(a) Generally. Proposed subdivision development plans must be approved by the city in accordance with the following procedures which include four principal steps:
(1) Concept plan is not required, but advisory (submit for comments to prepare for next steps);
(2) Preliminary plan (in coordination with rezoning);
(3) Development engineering plans (in preparation for engineering construction plans); and
(4) Plat (before a building permit is approved or issued).
(b) Simultaneous review. It is the intent of these subdivision regulations that subdivision review be carried out simultaneously with the review of a zoning application.
(1992 Code, App. A, § 15A.02.020) (Ord. 81-08, passed 7-7-2008; Ord. 87-18, passed 10-2-2018)
A fee shall be deposited with the city for all preliminary subdivision plans, development engineering plans and plats. The fees for these applications are to cover the costs of administration, publication of notice, and similar matters shall be charged to developers. The amount of fees charged are listed below. Fees established in accordance with this section shall be paid upon submission of a complete application.
Preliminary Subdivision Plan - $350.
Development Engineering Plan - $300 plus $10 for each lot in the plan.
Plats - A charge of $80 shall be made for the first two lots on final plats and $110 for the first two lots on replats; plus a fee of $10 for each additional lot within a plat and $10 for each additional lot within a replat.
Construction Plan - $100.
(1992 Code, App. A, § 15A.02.030) (Ord. 81-08, passed 7-7-2008; Ord. 87-18, passed 10-2-2018)
The following situations shall be exempted from concept plans, preliminary subdivision plans and development engineering plans as a part of the subdivision procedures of this chapter. Nothing in this section shall be construed to exempt a plat in these situations if required by state law.
(a) Preliminary subdivision plan and development engineering plan exemptions as specified within § 157.080:
(1) Minor plats;
(2) Replats; and
(3) Transfer of ownership.
(b) Plat exemptions as specified within § 157.080:
(1) Cemetery gravesite plats;
(2) Government lots;
(3) Boundary line adjustment; and
(4) Add-on agreements for zoning parcels.
(1992 Code, App. A, § 15A.02.040) (Ord. 81-08, passed 7-7-2008)
A concept plan is a process designed to help a developer save time and expense in preparing a preliminary plan and a plat. A concept plan does not have a requirement for engineering information; however, the more engineering design work that is done, the developer will be more likely to avoid future zoning, subdivision, or construction plan amendments because of lot and block reconfigurations due to drainage and other utility requirements. The advantage of a concept plan is that city staff will provide information upfront that may significantly affect the lot and block layout and utility plans. It is recommended that at least some preliminary sanitary and storm drainage engineering be completed during the concept plan stage. All concept plans for review shall be submitted to the planning office.
(b) The developer may submit a concept plan to the online plan review of the city of Sioux Falls website prior to the submission of the preliminary subdivision plan. The concept plan online review will include comments from all applicable city departments. City staff comments on the concept plan shall be sent to the developer within 15 working days unless city staff notifies the developer that more time is required in which case an additional 15 days will be allowed.
(c) The concept plan will include the following:
(1) The general layout of streets and access points to adjacent street systems; location of major drainageways, approximate flow paths, and detention ponds; water line locations; nearest existing sanitary sewer line locations; wetland, natural features and amenities and preservation of public land, proposed zoning districts; pedestrian connectivity; and agreement with the city’s comprehensive plan goals and policies;
(2) Vicinity map to scale, showing locations of the concept plan and other property for at least 660' in every direction; and
(3) The consultant or developer addresses and telephone numbers.
(d) Comments from city staff on the concept plan may include future land use amendments, zoning transitions, street right-of-way width and type of street (minor or major collector), pedestrian circulation, lot and block layout, street access points, water and sanitary sewer locations, assessments cost per acre including sanitary sewer, water main, regional detention cost, and storm sewer. Staff shall track consistency of comments between concept plan and preliminary subdivision plan.
(1992 Code, App. A, § 15A.03.010) (Ord. 81-08, passed 7-7-2008; Ord. 87-18, passed 10-2-2018; Ord. 88-22, passed 8-9-2022)