A concept plan is a process designed to help a developer save time and expense in preparing a preliminary plan and a plat. A concept plan does not have a requirement for engineering information; however, the more engineering design work that is done, the developer will be more likely to avoid future zoning, subdivision, or construction plan amendments because of lot and block reconfigurations due to drainage and other utility requirements. The advantage of a concept plan is that city staff will provide information upfront that may significantly affect the lot and block layout and utility plans. It is recommended that at least some preliminary sanitary and storm drainage engineering be completed during the concept plan stage. All concept plans for review shall be submitted to the planning office.
(b) The developer may submit a concept plan to the online plan review of the city of Sioux Falls website prior to the submission of the preliminary subdivision plan. The concept plan online review will include comments from all applicable city departments. City staff comments on the concept plan shall be sent to the developer within 15 working days unless city staff notifies the developer that more time is required in which case an additional 15 days will be allowed.
(c) The concept plan will include the following:
(1) The general layout of streets and access points to adjacent street systems; location of major drainageways, approximate flow paths, and detention ponds; water line locations; nearest existing sanitary sewer line locations; wetland, natural features and amenities and preservation of public land, proposed zoning districts; pedestrian connectivity; and agreement with the city’s comprehensive plan goals and policies;
(2) Vicinity map to scale, showing locations of the concept plan and other property for at least 660' in every direction; and
(3) The consultant or developer addresses and telephone numbers.
(d) Comments from city staff on the concept plan may include future land use amendments, zoning transitions, street right-of-way width and type of street (minor or major collector), pedestrian circulation, lot and block layout, street access points, water and sanitary sewer locations, assessments cost per acre including sanitary sewer, water main, regional detention cost, and storm sewer. Staff shall track consistency of comments between concept plan and preliminary subdivision plan.
(1992 Code, App. A, § 15A.03.010) (Ord. 81-08, passed 7-7-2008; Ord. 87-18, passed 10-2-2018; Ord. 88-22, passed 8-9-2022)
A preliminary subdivision plan is a process designed to assist the developer and the city with the efficient and timely development of utilities to and throughout a development. Plans will be evaluated for compliance with the city’s comprehensive plan goals and policy framework, adopted master plans and the capital improvement program.
(1992 Code, App. A, § 15A.04) (Ord. 81-08, passed 7-7-2008)
(a) The developer shall submit an electronic copy of the preliminary subdivision plan to the online plan review at the city of Sioux Falls’ website. The applicant shall submit all elements as required by § 157.052 before the planning commission submittal deadline in order to stay on a standard public hearing schedule.
(1) The planning office shall determine if the application and preliminary subdivision plan contains all elements as required by § 157.052.
A. If it is determined that not all elements are completed, then the applicant shall be notified in writing of the specific deficiencies and that the application shall not be distributed for review until all elements of the application are submitted. The applicant has until the submittal deadline to submit all elements.
B. If the planning office determines that the application does contain all elements as required by § 157.052, the application will be distributed to applicable departments for review.
(2) Applicable city departments will review within ten working days of submittal to determine compliance with all approval criteria of § 157.052.
A. If the planning and development services director determines that the preliminary subdivision plans do not meet the criteria, the plan may not be placed on the planning commission agenda and the planning office shall identify specific required information in its written notification to the applicant at the end of the ten-working day review period. The planning and development services director may schedule the preliminary plan for a planning commission public hearing only after all criteria has been met.
B. If the planning office determines that the preliminary subdivision application is in sufficient compliance with § 157.052, but there are specific design, improvement, or other compliance deficiencies, the planning and development services director may list conditions to the approval of the subdivision application to the planning commission.
(b) The preliminary subdivision plan application shall be scheduled for a planning commission public hearing by the planning office on a day when the planning commission is regularly scheduled to meet as determined by the rules, policies, and regulations as adopted or which may hereafter be adopted by the planning commission for holding public hearings on those requests. The planning commission shall then make a recommendation to city council on the preliminary plan application or shall defer the application for more information.
(c) The city council, in taking action on a preliminary plan, shall consider the recommendations of the planning commission and shall hold a public hearing. The city council shall then approve, disapprove, or approve with conditions by means of a resolution based upon the criteria within § 157.052. Approval of the preliminary plan shall indicate council’s approval of the general location of the lots, blocks, and streets including the interrelationship to proposed zoning districts or land uses, all which shall be so noted on the preliminary subdivision plan’s certificate of approval. The approved plan shall be available by contacting the city office of planning and development services. Any conditions included by the city council shall be resolved on a revised preliminary plan which would be submitted to the planning office for administrative approval before any development engineering plans and plats are submitted.
(1992 Code, App. A, § 15A.04.010) (Ord. 81-08, passed 7-7-2008; Ord. 87-18, passed 10-2-2018)
Preliminary subdivision plans must have all elements within Table 1 included in the application before a staff review is completed. The planning commission in its recommendation and the city council in its approval shall take into consideration all elements and approval criteria in Table 1.
Table 1 Element and Approval Criteria for Preliminary Plans
| |
Elements | Approval Criteria |
Table 1 Element and Approval Criteria for Preliminary Plans
| |
Elements | Approval Criteria |
The owner, developer, and engineer’s names, addresses, and telephone numbers | Use as contact for the project for comments and notifications. |
Submitted by licensed engineer | The earmark that distinguishes a licensed/registered professional engineer is the authority to sign and seal or “stamp” engineering documents for a design or analysis, thus taking legal responsibility for it. |
Proposed name of subdivision | The name shall not duplicate, be the same in spelling, or alike in pronunciation with the name of any other recorded subdivision, unless it is an extension of or adjoining to an existing subdivision. |
The names of all adjoining subdivisions with adjoining unplatted property shall be labeled as such | Showing connectivity with lot and block lines, easements, and rights-of-way. |
Lot and block layout | |
Vicinity map to scale showing location of preliminary subdivision plan | Includes other property between 660-1,320' in every direction. |
Proposed zoning districts | Sufficient to allow for staff review of residential densities and nonresidential structure size. |
Area, legal description and notations stating acreage, scale, and north arrow | Determine if plan boundaries meet stated ownership; adjacent property notification, if required; measurement and review of plans. |
The location of existing blocks, lots, building lines, water courses, drainageways, bridges, culverts, wells, cell towers, septic systems, on-site wastewater systems, present structures, any fixtures, and any pertinent natural features in the area affected, with principal dimensions and all significant information in regard to property, immediately adjacent on all sides | Will not place any existing lot or building in violation of any applicable ordinance, code, regulation, law including, but not limited to, zoning, building, subdivision, and flood prevention and comply with the parks/open space needs identified within the growth management plan and §§ 157.190 and 157.191. |
Existing contours referenced to city datum with intervals sufficient to determine the character and topography of the land to be subdivided | Utility coordination and comply with water, sewer, grading/drainage plans. |
Boundary lines of floodways and 100-year flood zones delineated on the Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) | To ensure buildable lots. |
Phasing and timelines | Per annexation resolution and for purposes of identifying final utility plan parcels (based on watershed boundaries); construction planning for private and public entities. |
Proposed city reimbursements | Coordination with CIP and city disbursements. |
Other data consistent with or required within the developers/preannexation agreement | Only data as required within an annexation, preannexation. |
Preliminary drainage plan | Comply with EDS Ch. 13.2.2 |
Preliminary sanitary sewer plan | Comply with EDS Ch. 13.2.2 |
Preliminary street lighting plan | Comply with EDS Ch. 13.2.2 |
Preliminary street plan | Comply with EDS Ch. 13.2.2 |
Preliminary water plan | Comply with EDS Ch. 13.2.2 |
(1992 Code, App. A, § 15A.04.020) (Ord. 81-08, passed 7-7-2008; Ord. 94-16, passed 8-2-2016; Ord. 87-18, passed 10-2-2018)
(a) Any preliminary subdivision plan which has not received development engineering plan approval for all or a portion of the preliminary subdivision plan area within a period of three years would require resubmittal of a new plan for approval subject to any new subdivision regulations unless a waiver from the city director of planning and development services is approved.
(b) Upon written request to the city director of planning and development services and prior to the preliminary plan expiration date, a one-year time extension for the preliminary plan may be granted by the city’s director of planning and development services, subject to the following condition that the land uses for land within the preliminary subdivision plan area have not significantly been altered since the original approval date for the preliminary subdivision plan.
(1992 Code, App. A, § 15A.04.030) (Ord. 81-08, passed 7-7-2008; Ord. 87-18, passed 10-2-2018)
(a) (1) Amendments to an approved preliminary subdivision plan may be requested by the developer.
(2) The city engineer and city director of planning and development services may request an updated preliminary subdivision plan for review and approval when changes to the plan are proposed.
(b) Amendments to a preliminary plan shall consist of external impacts, including changes in major (collectors) street pattern, change of zones, drainage facility location, other public open space location or perimeter boundaries.
(1) Amendments to an approved preliminary subdivision plan shall follow the procedures for approval of a preliminary subdivision plan as required in this section.
(2) The approved plan, and any amendments, shall be kept on file with the city engineer and planning director.
(1992 Code, App. A, § 15A.04.040) (Ord. 81-08, passed 7-7-2008; Ord. 87-18, passed 10-2-2018)