§ 157.068 PLAT APPROVAL.
   (a)   Once the developer submits an electronic copy of the plat to the online plan review at the city of Sioux Falls website and pays all applicable plat fees, the engineering office shall determine if the plat contains all elements as required by § 157.067. Comments shall be provided by the engineering office to the developer. Once all comments are incorporated into the plat, the developer shall submit assurances for the plat. The plat shall provide the information indicated in § 157.067 and shall require the review and approval of the city engineer and the planning director. The plat and subdivision construction agreement shall be in conformance with the development engineering plan. Either all or a portion of the development engineering plan may be platted.
   (b)   The plat shall be considered for approval only after the mayor has approved subdivision construction agreement as required by § 157.225 from the developer accepting responsibility for the required improvements, or any revision thereof and all platting fees, assessments, and cost recoveries have been paid. Once the subdivision construction agreement has been signed by the mayor and all platting fees, assessments, and cost recoveries have been paid, the plat shall be approved or disapproved within 15 days.
   (c)   Within the joint jurisdiction area, the Minnehaha County and Lincoln County board of county commissioners have designated the county planning director to review and approve plats in lieu of the review and approval by the county planning commission as allowed by SDCL 11-6-26.1. The county planning director shall review and approve the plat within 45 days of the plat submitted to the county. The plat may not be filed or recorded until the plats have been signed by the county planning director. If the county planning director denies any such plat, a two-thirds vote of the entire membership of the city council is required to override the county planning director and approve the plat.
   (d)   If it appears that the system of streets set forth therein conforms to the system of streets of the existing plats of the municipality, that all provisions of any subdivision regulations have been complied with, that all taxes, platting fees, cost recoveries, and special assessments upon the tract or subdivision have been fully paid, and that such plat and the survey thereof have been executed according to law, the city engineer and director of planning and development services shall approve the plat (SDCL 11-3-6). Approval of any plat shall be contingent upon the plat being recorded within 120 days after the certificate of approval is signed by the city finance officer. Developers’ failure to adhere to the approved plat and subdivision construction agreement when developing property constitutes a violation of city ordinance.
   (e)   If the city engineer or director of planning and development services denies the plat, the person requesting the plat may appeal to the city council by scheduling a hearing with the city council within 15 days of receiving a written denial notice.
(1992 Code, App. A, § 15A.05.040) (Ord. 81-08, passed 7-7-2008; Ord. 87-18, passed 10-2-2018)