Street and Bridge Construction
90.001 IDOT standard specifications for road and bridge construction; file copies
90.002 Compliance required
90.003 Conflict of laws
Sidewalk Construction
90.015 Sidewalks required
90.016 Permit required
90.017 Permit applications
90.018 Permit fees
90.019 Grade and alignment standards
90.020 Variances
90.021 Grade and line required
90.022 Construction standards
90.023 Inspections
90.024 Occupancy permits
90.025 Waiver; payment to city in lieu of sidewalks
90.026 Sidewalk fund
Driveway Construction and Curb Cuts
90.040 Driveway required
90.041 Maximum numbered allowed
90.042 Driveway widths
90.043 Driveway grades and curbs
90.044 Connection to collector or arterial streets
90.045 Placement of driveway
90.046 Removal of parkway trees
90.047 Impervious surface limitation
90.048 Driveways over drainage ditches; culvert required
90.049 Culvert permit required
90.050 Grade and size
90.051 Materials
90.052 Installation
90.053 Change of grade prohibited
90.054 Refuse in culverts; obstructions to water flow
90.055 Notice to clean; cleaning by city
90.056 Application to existing culverts
90.057 Removal and replacement by city
90.058 Permit required
90.059 Concrete drives in residential areas
90.060 Asphalt drives in residential areas
90.061 Gravel drives
90.062 Aprons and accessways
90.063 Curb cuts
90.070 Permit required; application and fee
90.071 Restoration of streets and surfaces; cash deposit
90.072 Supervision by Director of Public Works
Street and Sidewalk Use Regulations
90.085 Solicitation of funds by charitable organizations
90.086 Encroachments on Route 50 (Cicero Avenue)
Trees and Parkways
90.100 Purpose
90.101 Residential parkway standards
90.102 Tree removal permit
90.103 Tree determination
90.104 Tree species
90.105 Nuisance trees on private property
90.106 Pruning, right-of-way clearance of private trees
90.107 Violations of tree regulations
90.108 Interference with the city
Honorary Designation of Streets
90.120 Request
90.121 Process
90.122 Duration
90.999 Penalty