(A)   Purpose. The purpose of this section is to provide specifications for materials and construction of asphalt drives in residentially zoned districts.
   (B)   General specifications. Materials and construction for residential drives shall conform to § 406, Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, Illinois Department of Transportation, adopted October 1, 1983, as amended, except as stated in divisions (C) to (E) below.
   (C)   Materials.
      (1)   Aggregate. The stone aggregate shall conform to § 704 of the standard specifications, except as follows:
         (a)   The gradation of the stone shall be CA6, that is “State Road Mix;”
         (b)   No pea gravel, chips or tunnel rock shall be allowed; and
         (c)   No slag shall be used; only limestone is permitted.
      (2)   Bituminous asphalt. The bituminous asphalt surface course shall be Class 1, Mixture C, modified in accordance with §§ 406 and 704.03 of the standard specifications, except that CA16 aggregate gradation shall be used. The asphalt cement shall be AC WO to 120, that is a “State Fine Mix.”
   (D)   Thickness.
      (1)   Aggregate base. The crushed stone aggregate base shall be eight inches thick.
      (2)   Bituminous asphalt surface course. The surface course shall be two inches thick.
   (E)   Construction.
      (1)   Sub-base preparation.
         (a)   The overdig of the foundation in front of a garage door shall be backfilled with crushed stone. No clay or black dirt shall be used as backfill. The backfill shall be hand tamped.
         (b)   The drive area shall be cleared of all construction debris, drywall, wood, loose clay and black dirt. Should the sub-base need to be brought to grade, no clay backfill is allowed. Any sub-base overdig shall be filled with stone.
         (c)   The sub-base shall be rolled and compacted to a distance of one foot beyond the width of the drive. The sub-base must be dry, so that no sub-base material sticks to the roller.
      (2)   Aggregate base. The crushed stone aggregate shall be placed in two four-inch lifts, compacted after each lift. The contractor shall wet each lift before rolling.
      (3)   Asphalt surface course.
         (a)   The asphalt surface shall be placed in one two-inch lift.
         (b)   The surface shall be rolled smooth such as to leave no roller marks.
         (c)   Care shall be taken to hand tamp and roll next to walks and garage apron areas.
(Ord. 2006-06-0038O, passed 6-27-2006)