G401.2 Subsequent additions, modifications, or deletions.
Refer to the rules of the department for any subsequent additions, modifications or deletions t may have been made to these standards in accordance with Section 28-103.19 of the Administrative Code.
G401.3 Applicability.
The application of the referenced standards shall be as specified in Section G105.1.
ASCE 7-16 | Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures | G104.2.3.2, G304.2 |
Flood Resistant Design and Construction | G101.3, G102.1, G103.1, G104.2.1, G104.2.3.1, G104.2.3.2, G107.2, G107.3, G107.4, G301.1, G303.3, G303.4, G303.5, G303.8, G304.1, G304.1.1, G304.1.2, G304.2, G304.3, G304.4, G304.4.1.1, G304.5.1, G305.1, G305.2, G305.4, G307.1, G307.2, G307.3, G307.5, G308.1, G308.3, G308.5, G308.6, G308.7, G308.9, G308.10.1, G308.10.2, G308.11, G309.1, G310.3, G310.6, G312.3.2 | |
FEMA FIS 360497 | Flood Insurance Study, Community Number 360497, Revised September 5, 2007; Federal Emergency Management Agency | G102.2, G102.2.1, G102.2.2, G102.3.1.1, G103.3.2 |
FEMA PFIS 360497 | Preliminary Flood Insurance Study, Issued December 5, 2013, Community Number 360497, Federal Emergency Management Agency | G102.2.1, G102.2.2, G102.3.1.1, G102.3.2.1 |
FEMA FIRMs 360497 | Flood Insurance Rate Map, Community Number 360497, Panel Numbers 1 through 0457, Revised September 5, 2007; Federal Emergency Management Agency, with the following Letters of Map Revision: Letter of Map Revision effective September 29, 2008, FEMA case # 08-02-0948P, revising FIRM panel 0111 and Letter of Map Revision effective April 18, 2018, FEMA case # 17-02-1503P, revising FIRM panels 0092F, 0094F, 0111F, and 0113F. | G102.2, G102.2.2, G102.3, G102.3.1, G102.3.2, G103.3.1, G103.3.2 |
FEMA PFIRMs 360497 | Preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Map, Community Number 360497, Issued December 5, 2013; Revised January 30, 2015, as applicable; Federal Emergency Management Agency | G102.2.1, G102.2.2, G102.3.1.1, G102.3.2.1 |
FEMA FORM 086-0-34 | Floodproofing Certificate; Federal Emergency Management Agency | G107.3 |
FEMA FORM 086-0-33 | Elevation Certificate; Federal Emergency Management Agency | G107.3 |
HUD 24 CFR Part 3280-08 | Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards, 2008 | G201.1.2 |
Standard for the Installation of Standpipe and Hose Systems | G304.1.2, G308.9, G308.10, G308.11 | |
G501.1 Amendments to ASCE 24-14.
The following amendments are hereby made to the applicable sections of ASCE 24-14. Refer to the rules of the department for any subsequent additions, modifications or deletions that may have been made to this standard in accordance with Section 28-103.19 of the Administrative Code.
Section 1.1. Section 1.1 (Scope) is amended by deleting the sentence "In addition to the requirements of this section (see Fig. 1-2):" and Items 1 through 4, and by adding the following paragraph to read as follows:
In addition to the requirements of this section, the applicability of this standard is as provided for in Section G102.1 of the New York City Building Code, Appendix G.
Section 1.1. Figure 1-2 (Application of Chapters) of Section 1.2. Delete.
Section 1.1.1. A new Section 1.1.1 is added to read as follows:
1.1.1 High-risk flood hazard areas. Notwithstanding any other provision in this standard, no special flood hazard area in New York City shall be classified as alluvial fan area, flash flood area, mudslide area, ice jam and debris area, erosion-prone area, high-velocity flow area.
Section 1.2. Section 1.2 (Definitions) is amended by modifying only the following definitions to read as follows:
High-risk flood hazard area – An area designated as a coastal high-hazard area, being those areas identified on the FIRM as a V-Zone or Coastal A-Zone.
Nonresidential – Defined as Nonresidential (for flood zone purposes) in Section G201 of the New York City Building Code, Appendix G.
Residential – Defined as Residential (for flood zone purposes) in Section G201 of the New York City Building Code, Appendix G.
Section 1.4.3. Table 1-1 of Section 1.4.3 (Classification of Structures) is amended to read as follows:
Use of Occupancy of Buildings and Structures | Flood Design Class |
Buildings and structures that normally are unoccupied and pose minimal risk to the public or minimal disruption to the community should they be damaged or fail due to flooding. Flood Design Class 1 includes: 1. certain temporary structures that are in place for less than 180 days, 2. accessory storage buildings and minor storage facilities, 3. small structures used for parking of vehicles, and 4. certain agricultural structures.
a | 1 |
Buildings and structures that pose a moderate risk to the public or moderate disruption to the community should they be damaged or fail due to flooding, except those listed as Flood Design Classes 1, 3, and 4. Flood Design Class 2 includes the vast majority of buildings and structures that are not specifically assigned another Flood Design Class, including most residential, commercial, and industrial buildings. | 2 |
Buildings and structures that pose a high risk to the public or significant disruption to the community should they be damaged, be unable to perform their intended functions after flooding, or fail due to flooding. Flood Design Class 3 includes: 1. buildings and structures in which 300 or more persons may assemble in one place, such as theaters, lecture halls, and religious institutions with large areas used for worship; 2. museums; 3. community centers and other recreational facilities; 4. athletic facilities with seating for spectators; 5. elementary schools, secondary schools, and buildings with college or adult education classrooms; 6. jails, correctional facilities, and detention facilities; 7. healthcare facilities not having surgery or emergency treatment capabilities; 8. care facilities where residents have limited mobility or ability, including nursing homes but not including care facilities for five or fewer persons; 9. preschool and child care facilities not located in one- and two-family dwellings; 10. buildings and structures associated with power generating stations, water and sewage treatment plants, telecommunication facilities, and other utilities which, if their operations were interrupted by a flood, would cause significant disruption in day-to-day life or significant economic losses in a community; and 11. buildings and other structures not included in Flood Design Class 4 (including but not limited to facilities that manufacture, process, handle, store, use, or dispose of such substances as hazardous fuels, hazardous chemicals, hazardous waste, or explosives) containing toxic or explosive substances where the quantity of the material exceeds a threshold quantity established by the authority having jurisdiction and is sufficient to pose a threat to the public if released.
b | 3 |
Buildings and structures that contain essential facilities and services necessary for emergency response and recovery, or that pose a substantial risk to the community at large in the event of failure, disruption of function, or damage by flooding. Flood Design Class 4 includes: 1. group I-2 occupancies having surgery or emergency treatment facilities; 2. fire, rescue, ambulance, and police stations and emergency vehicle garages; 3. designated emergency shelters; 4. designated emergency preparedness, communication, and operation centers and other facilities required for emergency response; 5. power generating stations and other public utility facilities required in emergencies; 6. structures containing highly toxic materials as defined by Section 307 where the quantity of the material exceeds the maximum allowable quantities of Table 307.1(2); 7. critical aviation facilities such as control towers, air traffic control centers, and hangars for aircraft used in emergency response; 8. ancillary structures such as communication towers, electrical substations, fuel or water storage tanks, or other structures necessary to allow continued functioning of a Flood Design Class 4 facility during and after an emergency; 9. buildings and other structures having critical national defense functions; and 10. water storage facilities and pump structures required to maintain water pressure for fire suppression. | 4 |
a. Certain agricultural structures may be exempt from some of the provisions of this standard; see Section C1.4.3.
b. Buildings and other structures containing toxic, highly toxic, or explosive substances shall be eligible for assignment to a lower Flood Design Class if it can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the authority having jurisdiction by a hazard assessment as described in Section 1.5.3 of Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures that a release of the substances is commensurate with the risk associated with that Flood Design Class.
Section 2.3. Table 2-1 of Section 2.3 (Elevation Requirements) is amended to read as follows:
Flood Design Class b | Minimum Elevation of Lowest Floor, Relative to Base Flood Elevation (BFE) or Design Flood Elevation (DFE) |
c | DFE = BFE + 2 ft |
d | DFE = BFE + 2 ft |
d | DFE = BFE + 2 ft |
d | DFE = BFE + 2 ft, or 500-year flood elevation, whichever is higher |
b. See Table 1-1 for Flood Design Class descriptions.
c. Flood Design Class 1 structures shall be allowed below the minimum elevation where the structure is permitted to be wet floodproofed in accordance with the requirements of Section 6.3.1 and is wet floodproofed in accordance with Section 6.3.2.
d. For nonresidential buildings and nonresidential portions of mixed-use buildings, the lowest floor shall be allowed below the minimum elevation if the structure meets the floodproofing requirements of Section 6.2.
Section 4.4. Table 4-1 of Section 4.4 (Elevation Requirements) is amended to read as follows:
Flood Design Class a | Minimum Elevation, Relative to Base Flood Elevation (BFE) or Design Flood Elevation (DFE) |
1 | DFE = BFE + 2 ft |
2 | DFE = BFE + 2 ft |
3 | DFE = BFE + 2 ft |
4 | DFE = BFE + 2 ft, or 500-year flood elevation, whichever is higher |
a See Table 1-1 for Flood Design Class descriptions.
Section 4.6.1. Section 4.6.1 (Breakaway Walls) is amended by adding the following sentence: All breakaway walls enclosing spaces below the DFE in coastal high-hazard area shall be open lattice, and not solid, with such enclosed spaces constructed as unconditioned per the New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code.
Section 5.1. Table 5-1 of Section 5.1 (Materials, General) is amended to read as follows:
Flood Design Class a | Minimum Elevation in Flood Hazard Areas, Other than Coastal High-hazard Areas and Coastal A-zones, Relative to Design Flood Elevation (DFE) | Minimum Elevation in Coastal High-hazard Areas and Coastal A-zones, Relative to Design Flood Elevation (DFE) |
1 | DFE = BFE + 2 ft | DFE = BFE + 2 ft |
2 | DFE = BFE + 2 ft | DFE = BFE + 2 ft |
3 | DFE = BFE + 2 ft | DFE = BFE + 3 ft |
4 | DFE = BFE + 2 ft, or 500-year flood elevation, whichever is higher | DFE = BFE + 3 ft, or 500-year flood elevation, whichever is higher |
a See Table 1-1 for Flood Design Class descriptions.
Section 5.2.6. Section 5.2.6 (Finishes) shall be amended to read as follows:
5.2.6 Finishes and other materials. Interior and exterior finishes, as well as any materials not otherwise provided for in Sections 5.2.1 through 5.2.5, shall be flood damage-resistant materials in accordance with FEMA Technical Bulletin 2/August 2008, Flood Damage-Resistant Materials Requirement for Buildings Located in Special Flood Hazard Areas, or shall be required to be approved by the authority having jurisdiction.
Section 6.2. Table 6-1 of Section 6.2 (Dry Floodproofing) is amended to read as follows:
Flood Design Class b | Minimum Elevation of Floodproofing c Relative to Design Flood Elevation (DFE) |
1 | DFE = BFE + 2 ft |
d | DFE = BFE + 2 ft |
3 | DFE = BFE + 2 ft |
4 | DFE = BFE + 2 ft, or 500-year flood elevation, whichever is higher |
a. Dry floodproofing is not allowed in Coastal High-Hazard Areas.
b. See Table 1-1 for Flood Design Class descriptions.
c. Wet or dry floodproofing shall extend to the same level.
d. Dry floodproofing shall not be permitted (i) in buildings that are "residential for flood zone purposes"; (ii) for certain systems and equipment as provided for in Section G304.1.2, Item 2.3.1 of the New York City Building Code; and (iii) for dwelling units and spaces directly accessed from dwelling units in buildings that are "nonresidential for flood zone purposes".
Section 6.2.1. (Dry Floodproofing Limitations) is amended to add the following exceptions:
1. Upon special application to the commissioner, the department may authorize dry floodproofing for designs that demonstrate resistance to flood velocities exceeding 5 ft/s while meeting the other limitations of this standard.
2. Dry floodproofing shall be permitted in Coastal A-Zones, provided:
2.1 such dry floodproofing complies with the requirements of Appendix G of the New York City Building Code; and
2.2 where flood velocities adjacent to the structure exceed 5 ft/s, the commissioner has authorized the dry floodproofing in accordance with Exception 1.
Section 6.2.2. Item 1 of Section 6.2.2 (Dry Floodproofing Requirements) is amended to read as follows:
1. Be designed and constructed so that any area below the applicable elevation specified in Table 6-1, together with attendant utilities, equipment, and sanitary facilities, is flood resistant with walls that are substantially impermeable to the passage of water. Where acceptable to the commissioner, fixed flood-resistant glazing systems may be used when tested and designed to be within walls substantially impermeable to water. Walls, floors, and flood shields shall be designed and constructed to resist hydrostatic, hydrodynamic, and other flood-related loads, including the effects of buoyancy resulting from flooding to the elevation listed in Table 6-1;
Section 6.2.2. Item 3 of Section 6.2.2 (Dry Floodproofing Requirements) is amended to read as follows:
3. Provide egress and ingress, where a means of egress is required by Chapter 10 of the New York City Building Code, to such dry floodproofed areas of structures in accordance with Item 3.1, 3.2 or 3.3, or a combination thereof, where permitted, as follows:
3.1 Egress and ingress not blocked by shields. Means of egress shall be elevated to or above the applicable DFE specified in Table 6-1, capable of providing human ingress and egress during the design flood between the dry floodproofed area to the exterior, without being blocked by flood shields or flood control devices; or
3.2 Egress and ingress blocked by shields not serving dwelling units. Where a means of egress required by Chapter 10 of the New York City Building Code that does not serve a dwelling unit is to be blocked by flood shields or flood control devices, an alternate means of egress shall be provided capable of providing human ingress and egress during the design flood between the dry floodproofed area to the exterior. The alternate means of egress shall comprise of: (i) a door providing ingress and egress opening directly to the exterior at or above the DFE, and such door shall be permitted to be accessed by steps or ramps; or (ii) a means of egress leading to an exterior exit door not blocked by shields or which is constructed as a wet floodproofed enclosure where discharging below the DFE, and such means of egress shall be permitted to be accessed by stairs and ramps. In either case, such alternate means of egress shall also comply with Items 3.2.1 through 3.2.6:
3.2.1 Alternate Means of Egress Entrance. The alternate means of egress entrance door, or directional signage to such alternate means of egress entrance door shall be readily visible and identifiable within a direct line of sight to a person approaching the blocked egress door(s). The path of travel from the blocked egress door to the alternate means of egress entrance shall be unobstructed with a travel distance of not more than 40 ft as measured from the blocked means of egress. Directional signage to the alternate means of egress shall be installed on the exit door blocked by flood shields prior to flood condition and removed during non-flood conditions.
3.2.2 Travel Distance. The path of travel from the alternate means of egress entrance door leading to the exterior of the building shall not exceed 100 ft.
3.2.3 Temporary Stairs, Ramps and Platforms. For buildings or portions of buildings that are planned to be evacuated during the design flood condition and pre-FIRM buildings, temporary stairs and ramps shall be permitted to serve as an alternate means of egress if their only purpose is to provide supplemental egress and ingress during conditions of flooding subject to the limitations of Section G308.10 of the New York City Building Code. Doors. Any door opening directly onto such temporary stairs or platforms shall be secured during non-flood conditions to prevent use when such temporary stairs and ramps are in storage. Signage. Directional signage to an egress utilizing temporary stairs, ramps or platforms shall be removed to prevent accidental operation during non-flood conditions.
3.2.4 Visibility from outside. Permanent signage affixed to the outside of flood shields or flood control devices that block the egress door shall provide directions to first responders or other personnel seeking to locate the path into the space from the exterior.
3.2.5 Compliance with egress requirements. Such alternate means of egress shall meet all requirements of Chapter 10 of the New York City Building Code for a required means of egress, including, travel distances, hardware and signage. Where an alternate means of egress may be used as a means of egress at any time other than a flood event, temporary stairs and ramps shall not be permitted.
Exceptions for buildings or portions of buildings that are planned to be evacuated during the design flood conditions:
1. Such alternate means of egress shall not be required to comply with occupant load calculations of the New York City Building Code if its only purpose is to provide supplemental egress and ingress during conditions of flooding.
2. The alternate means of egress may serve more than one required exit provided that the travel distances to and within the alternate means of egress comply with Item 3.2.1 and Item 3.2.2 from each required means of egress that is blocked by flood shields or flood control devices.
3.2.6 Accessibility. The alternate means of egress shall not be required to comply with Chapter 11 of the New York City Building Code if its only purpose is to provide supplemental egress and ingress during conditions of flooding, unless the structure is intended for occupancy during the design flood.
3.3 Egress and ingress blocked by shields serving dwelling units. For each means of egress required by Chapter 10 of the New York City Building Code that serves a dwelling unit and is to be blocked by flood shields or flood control devices, at least one alternate means of egress shall be provided capable of providing human ingress and egress during the design flood between the dry floodproofed area to the exterior. The alternate means of egress shall comprise either an elevated door opening directly to the exterior of the building arranged in accordance with Section 3.3.1 or an enclosure that incorporates wet floodproofing and is arranged in accordance with Section 3.3.2.
3.3.1 Elevated door. Where an elevated door is provided, such door shall be capable of providing human ingress and egress during the design flood. The elevated door shall open directly to the exterior of the building and shall be located in close proximity to the required means of egress to the exterior that is to be blocked by flood shields or flood control devices as follows: Face of door. The face of the elevated door itself, and not merely its directional signage, shall be arranged so it is clearly visible to a person approaching the blocked egress door(s). Elevation of door. Such door(s) shall be elevated to or above the applicable DFE specified in Table 6-1. Compliance with egress requirements. Such door shall meet all New York City Building Code requirements for a required means of egress to the exterior of the structure including hardware and signage. Accessibility. Such door may be accessed by open steps and shall not be required to comply with Chapter 11 of the New York City Building Code if its only purpose is to provide supplemental egress and ingress during conditions of flooding and to provide emergency egress at other times.
3.3.2 Enclosure that incorporates wet floodproofing. Where an enclosure which is partially wet floodproofed is used to provide alternate means of egress, such means of egress shall be capable of providing human ingress and egress during the design flood and shall be located in close proximity to the required means of egress to the exterior that is to be blocked by flood shields or flood control devices as follows: Face of door to enclosure. The face of the door to the enclosure, and not merely its directional signage, shall be arranged so it is clearly visible to a person approaching the blocked egress door(s). Wet floodproofing within an enclosure. Wet floodproofed portions of the enclosure shall be designed to comply with Section 6.3 and resist all flood related loads while prohibiting infiltration of floodwater to dry floodproofed spaces within the building. Travel Distance. The path of travel from the alternate means of egress entrance door to the door leading to the exterior of the building shall not exceed 25 ft. Compliance with egress requirements. The entrance and exit door shall meet all requirements of Chapter 10 of the New York City Building Code for a required means of egress to the exterior of the structure including hardware and signage.
Section 6.2.3. Section 6.2.3 (Limits on Human Intervention) is amended to read as follows:
Section 6.2.3 Limits on Human Intervention. Dry floodproofing measures that require human intervention to activate or implement prior to or during a flood, including temporary stairs or ramps, shall be permitted only when all of the following conditions are satisfied:
1. The flood warning time (alerting potential flood victims of a pending flood situation) shall be a minimum of 12 h unless the community operates a flood warning system and implements an emergency plan to ensure safe evacuation of flood hazard areas, in which case human intervention is allowed only if the community can provide a minimum flood warning time equal to or longer than the cumulative time:
(a) to notify persons responsible for installation of floodproofing measures,
(b) for responsible persons to travel to structure to be floodproofed,
(c) to install, activate, or implement floodproofing measures, and
(d) to evacuate all occupants from the flood hazard area.
2. All removable shields or covers for openings such as windows, doors, and other openings in walls and temporary stairs or ramps shall be designed to resist flood loads specified in Section 1.6.
3. Where removable shields or temporary stairs or ramps are to be used, a flood emergency plan shall be approved by the authority having jurisdiction and shall specify, at a minimum, the following information: storage locations of the shields and temporary stairs and ramps; the method of installation and removal; conditions activating installation and removal; maintenance of shields and attachment devices and temporary stairs and ramps; periodic practice of installing and removing shields and temporary stairs and ramps; testing sump pumps and other drainage measures; and inspecting necessary material and equipment to activate or implement floodproofing. The flood emergency plan shall be posted permanently in at least two conspicuous locations within the structure.
4. Where removable shields or temporary stairs or ramps are to be used, they shall be stored on site within a building or within a secured, weather-resistant enclosure. Off-site storage shall be prohibited for buildings required to comply with Section G304.
5. Where removable shields or temporary stairs or ramps are proposed as per Section G304, periodic inspections, including a triennial full scale deployment, shall be conducted in accordance with Article 324 of the Administrative Code.*
* Editor's note: As set forth in L.L. 2021/126; correct cite is Article 324 of Chapter 3 of Title 28 of the Administrative Code.
Section 7.1. Table 7-1 of Section 7.1 (General) is amended to read as follows:
Flood Design Class a | Locate Attendant Utilities and Equipment Above b | |
Minimum Elevation in Flood Hazard Areas, Other than Coastal High-Hazard Areas and Coastal A-Zones, Relative to Design Flood Elevation (DFE) | Minimum Elevation in Coastal High-Hazard Areas and Coastal A-Zones, Relative to Design Flood Elevation (DFE) | |
1 | DFE = BFE + 2 ft | DFE = BFE + 2 ft |
2 | DFE = BFE + 2 ft | DFE = BFE + 2 ft |
3 | DFE = BFE + 2 ft | DFE = BFE + 3 ft |
4 | DFE = BFE + 2 ft, or 500-year flood elevation, whichever is higher | DFE = BFE + 3 ft, or 500-year flood elevation, whichever is higher |
a. See Table 1-1 for Flood Design Class descriptions.
b. Locate attendant utilities and equipment above elevations shown unless otherwise provided in Chapter 7 of ASCE 24.
Section 7.2.4. Section 7.2.4 (Panelboards, Disconnect Switches, and Circuit Breakers) is amended to read as follows:
7.2.4 Panelboards, Disconnect Switches, and Circuit Breakers. The panelboards, load centers, main disconnect switches, all service disconnecting means, and all circuit breakers shall be located above and be accessible from the elevation specified in Table 7-1, or within a dry floodproofed enclosure, except where prohibited by the New York City Building Code. Panelboards, load centers, main disconnect switches, all service disconnecting means, and circuit breakers shall be located no more than 6 feet 7 inches (2 m) above the floor, or a platform shall be installed to provide access.
Section 7.3.3. Section 7.3.3 is amended to read as follows:
7.3.3 Plumbing Systems Installed Below Minimum Elevations. Plumbing systems and components, including plumbing fixtures, shall be elevated above the elevation specified in Table 7-1. Where plumbing systems and components have openings below the elevation specified in Table 7-1, the openings shall be protected with automatic backwater valves or other automatic backflow devices. Devices shall be installed in each line that extends below the DFE to prevent release of sewage into floodwaters and to prevent infiltration by floodwaters into the plumbing. Redundant devices requiring human intervention shall be permitted. Plumbing systems shall be provided with backwater valves in the building drain at its point of exit from the building and downstream of the building trap.
Section 7.3.4. Section 7.3.4 is amended to read as follows:
7.3.4 Sanitary Systems. Sanitary systems shall be designed to minimize infiltration of flood waters into the systems and discharges from the systems into floodwaters. Vents and openings shall be above the elevation specified in Table 7-1. Sanitary system storage tanks shall be designed, constructed, installed, and anchored to resist at least 1.5 times the potential buoyant and other flood forces acting on an empty tank during design flood conditions. Tanks and piping shall be installed to resist local scour and erosion. Sanitary systems shall be provided with backwater valves at the point of exit from the building and downstream of the building trap. Sanitary systems that must remain operational during or immediately after the design flood or lesser floods shall be equipped with a sealed storage tank that is sized to store at least 150% of the anticipated sewage flow associated with occupancy during flood conditions and during subsequent periods of saturated soil when sewage will not percolate.
Section 7.5.2. A new section 7.5.2 is added to read as follows:
7.5.2 Elevator signage. Where there is potential for an elevator cab to descend below the elevation specified in Table 7-1 into a wet floodproofed space, the elevator shall be equipped with controls that will prevent the cab from descending into floodwaters. Permanent, durable, and washable signage shall be placed in the elevator cab and in the elevator lobby on any story subject to flooding, stating that "In the event of flooding, water sensors in the elevator shaft will prevent the elevator from descending to (description of story, e.g., ground floor, first floor, parking level, etc.) and will automatically cause the elevator to rise to (description of story, e.g., second floor, mezzanine, etc.)."
Section 8.1. Section 8.1 (General) is amended to read as follows:
8.1 General. Stairways and ramps, including stairs and ramps pursuant to Section G308.10 of the New York City Building Code, that are located below the elevations specified in Tables 2-1 and 4-1 shall be designed and constructed to:
1. Resist flood-related loads specified in Section 1.6 and minimize transfer of flood-related loads to the structure and structure foundation; or
2. Break away during design flood conditions without causing damage to the structure, including the foundation; or
3. Use materials that conform to Chapter 5 for those portions of stairways and ramps that are located below the elevations specified in Tables 2-1 and 4-1, including items such as gates and doors.
In flood hazard areas other than Coastal High-Hazard Areas and Coastal A-Zones, enclosures for stairways and ramps that extend below the elevations specified in Table 2-1 shall conform to the requirements for enclosures in Section 2.7. In Coastal High-Hazard Areas and Coastal A-Zones, enclosures for stairways and ramps that extend below the elevations specified in Table 4-1 shall conform to the requirements for enclosures in Section 4.6.
Elevators shall conform to the requirements of Section 7.5.
Section 9.4.1. The second sentence of the first paragraph of Section 9.4.1 (Attached Garages, Carports, and Accessory Storage Structures) is amended to read as follows:
Wet floodproofed garages and carports are permitted below elevations specified in Table 2-1 provided the lowest level of the garage, carport or accessory storage structure is at or above grade on at least one side, the garage, carport or accessory storage structure walls meet the opening requirements of Section 2.7, and the lowest level of the garage, carport or accessory storage structure is not classified as a "lowest floor" pursuant to Appendix G of the New York City Building Code.
Section 9.7. The first sentence of Section 9.7 (Tanks) is amended to read as follows:
Tanks and tank inlets, fill openings, outlets, and vents shall terminate in accordance with Section G307.3 of the New York City Building Code or where located below the design flood elevation, shall be designed, constructed, installed, and anchored to resist all flood-related and other loads, including the effects of buoyancy, during flooding up to and including the design flood and without release of contents into floodwaters or infiltration of floodwaters into the tanks.
(Am. L.L. 2021/043, 4/18/2021, eff. 4/18/2022)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2021/043.