G310.4 Enclosures below design flood elevation.
Fully enclosed areas below the design flood elevation shall be constructed in accordance with Section G304.
G310.5 Flood-damage-resistant materials.
Flood-damage-resistant materials shall be used below the design flood elevation.
G310.6 Protection of mechanical, plumbing and electrical systems.
Mechanical, plumbing and electrical systems, including plumbing fixtures, shall be elevated to or above the design flood elevation.
Exception: Electrical systems, equipment and components; heating, ventilating, air conditioning and plumbing appliances; plumbing fixtures, duct systems and other service equipment shall be permitted to be located below the design flood elevation provided that they are designed and installed in compliance with Section G304.1.2, Item 2.3 and other applicable flood-resistant construction requirements of this code.
Electrical wiring systems shall be permitted to be located below the design flood elevation provided they conform to the provisions of the New York City Electrical Code and Section 7.2 of ASCE 24.
G311.1 Hazardous substances.
Portable containers located in the flood hazard area that store hazardous substances, as defined in Section 41-03 of Title 15 of the Rules of the City of New York, shall comply with Section 41-14 of Title 15 of the Rules of the City of New York.
G312.1 General.
Notwithstanding any other provision of the New York City Construction Codes, the provisions of this section shall apply retroactively to all buildings and structures specified herein.