G302.1 General.
Any subdivision proposal, including proposals for manufactured home parks and subdivisions, or other proposed new development within a special flood hazard area shall be reviewed to verify all of the following:
1. All such proposals are consistent with the need to minimize flood damage.
2. All public utilities and facilities, such as sewer, gas, electric and water systems, are located and constructed to minimize or eliminate flood damage.
3. Adequate drainage is provided to reduce exposure to flood hazards.
G302.2 Subdivision requirements.
The following requirements shall apply in the case of any proposed subdivision, including proposals for manufactured home parks and subdivisions, any portion of which lies within a special flood hazard area:
1. The special flood hazard area, including floodways, coastal high-hazard areas and coastal A-Zones, as appropriate, shall be delineated on tentative and final subdivision plats.
2. Base flood elevations shall be shown on tentative and final subdivision plats.
3. Building lots shall be provided with adequate buildable area, in accordance with the New York City Zoning Resolution, outside the floodway.
4. The design criteria for utilities and facilities set forth in this appendix and appropriate New York City Construction Codes shall be met.
G303.1 Development in floodways.
Development or land-disturbing activity shall not be authorized in the floodway unless it has been demonstrated through hydrologic and hydraulic analyses performed in accordance with standard engineering practice, and prepared by a registered design professional, that the proposed encroachment will not result in any increase in the base flood level, in accordance with Section G103.5.
G303.2 Coastal high-hazard areas and coastal A-Zones.
In coastal high-hazard areas and coastal A-Zones:
1. New buildings, not including substantial improvements, shall only be authorized landward of the reach of mean high tide.
2. The use of fill for structural support of buildings is prohibited.
G303.3 Sewer facilities.
All new or replaced sanitary sewer facilities, private sewage treatment plants (including all pumping stations and collector systems) and on-site waste disposal systems shall be designed in accordance with Chapter 7, ASCE 24, to minimize or eliminate infiltration of floodwaters into the facilities and discharge from the facilities into floodwaters, or impairment of the facilities and systems.