G103.7 Alterations in coastal areas.
Prior to issuing a permit for any alteration of sand dunes in coastal high-hazard areas and coastal A- zones, the commissioner shall require submission of an engineering analysis, prepared by a registered design professional, demonstrating that the proposed alteration will not increase the potential for flood damage.
G103.8 Records.
The commissioner shall maintain records of the following:
1. Applications and supporting documents for development in flood hazard areas;
2. Permits issued in flood hazard areas;
3. Inspection reports;
4. Certifications required in this appendix; and
5. Certificate of occupancy where applicable.
G103.9 Violations.
See Chapter 2 of Title 28 of the Administrative Code.
G104.1 Required.
Any person, owner or owner's authorized agent who intends to conduct any development, as applicable pursuant to Section G102.1, within a flood hazard area, shall first make application to the commissioner and shall obtain the required permit in accordance with Section 28-105.1 of the Administrative Code, notwithstanding any exemption pursuant to Section 28-105.4 of the Administrative Code.
G104.2 Application for permit.
The applicant shall file an application in writing on a form furnished by the commissioner. The commissioner shall not approve such application unless the applicant submits all plans, details, data and documents demonstrating that the development complies with Sections G104.2.1 through G104.2.3 and all other provisions of this appendix.
G104.2.1 Flood zone compliance plans.
The permit application shall include flood zone compliance plans. Such plans shall include plans and drawings, shall be sealed by a registered design professional and shall include a site plan and the following information and any other data as may be required by the department:
1. Flood design class assigned according to ASCE 24;
2. A delineation of the flood hazard areas, including identification of the base flood elevation(s), design flood elevations and stillwater flood depth;
3. If applicable, the location of the regulatory floodway;
4. For all proposed structures, spot ground elevations at building corners and in 20-foot (6096 mm) or smaller intervals along the foundation footprint, or 1-foot (305 mm) contour elevations throughout the building site;
5. Proposed locations of water supply, sanitary sewer, and utilities;
6. Drainage patterns and facilities;
7. Foundation design details, including but not limited to:
7.1. Proposed elevation of the lowest floor including basement (for flood zone purposes) of all structures;
7.2. For crawl spaces and enclosed parking, storage and building access that are wet floodproofed below the design flood elevation, location and total net area of foundation openings in accordance with ASCE 24;
7.3. For dry floodproofed spaces in buildings or structures that are nonresidential (for flood zone purposes), the proposed elevation to which the enclosure will be dry floodproofed in accordance with ASCE 24;
7.4. Any proposed fill and excavation details ; and
7.5. In coastal high-hazard areas and coastal A-zones, the proposed elevation of the bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member of the lowest floor; and
8. For structures in coastal high-hazard areas or coastal A-zones, and for dry-floodproofed structures: flood loading and parameters including average velocity of water (V), debris impact load (F
), scour depths, and wave loads (F
or F
Exception: Applications for subdivisions shall comply with Section G302.