G303.7 Retaining walls and driveways.
Retaining walls shall be designed in accordance with Section 1807. Retaining walls and driveways shall meet the requirements of Section G303.8.
G303.8 Grading and fill.
In flood hazard areas, grading and/or fill shall not be approved:
1. Unless such fill is placed, compacted and sloped to minimize shifting, slumping and erosion during the rise and fall of flood water and, as applicable, wave action, in accordance with ASCE 24 and Section 1804 of this code.
2. In floodways, unless it has been demonstrated through hydrologic and hydraulic analyses performed by an engineer in accordance with standard engineering practice that the proposed grading or fill, or both will not result in any increase in the flood levels during the occurrence of the design flood, in accordance with Section G103.5.
3. In coastal A-Zones and coastal high-hazard areas, unless such fill is conducted and or placed to avoid diversion of water and waves towards any building or structure.
G304.1 A-Zone construction standards.
In addition to the requirements of ASCE 24, the following standards shall apply to post-FIRM construction, horizontal enlargements and substantial improvements located within A-Zones, other than Coastal A-Zones.
G304.1.1 Residential.
For buildings or structures that are residential (for flood zone purposes), all post-FIRM new buildings, horizontal enlargements and substantial improvements shall comply with the applicable requirements of this appendix and ASCE 24, and shall be elevated as follows:
1. Lowest floor. The lowest floor, including the basement (for flood zone purposes), shall be elevated to or above the design flood elevation specified in ASCE 24, Table 2-1;
2. Enclosures below the design flood elevation. Enclosed spaces below the design flood elevation specified in ASCE 24, Table 2-1, shall be useable solely for parking of vehicles, building access, storage, or crawlspace, and shall be wet floodproofed in accordance with ASCE 24. Breakaway walls are not required in A-Zones;
2.1. A restrictive declaration noting the above restriction shall be filed with the City Register or County Clerk, and the City Register File Number (CRFN) shall be identified in the permit application and on the certificate of occupancy.
3. Under-floor spaces. The finished ground level of an under-floor space, such as a crawl space, shall be equal to or higher than the outside finished ground level on at least one side;
4. Materials. Only flood-damage-resistant materials and finishes shall be utilized below the design flood elevation specified in ASCE 24, Table 5-1;
5. Utilities and equipment. Utilities and attendant equipment shall be located at or above the design flood elevation specified in ASCE 24, Table 7-1, or with the exception of the items below, shall be constructed so as to prevent water from entering or accumulating within the components during conditions of flooding in accordance with ASCE 24.
5.1 Fire protection systems and equipment. The following fire protection systems and equipment shall be located at or above the design flood elevation specified in ASCE 24, Table 7-1, except that where the system or equipment or portion thereof serves only spaces located below such design flood elevation, the system or equipment or portion thereof may be located at or above such design flood elevation:
5.1.1. Sprinkler control valves that are not outside stem and yoke valves;
5.1.2. Fire standpipe control valves that are not outside stem and yoke valves;
5.1.3. Sprinkler booster pumps and fire pumps;
5.1.4. Dry pipe valve-related electrically operated alarm appurtenances;
5.1.5. Alarm control panels for water and non-water fire extinguishing systems;
5.1.6. Alarm control panels for sprinkler systems, pre-action sprinkler systems, deluge sprinkler systems, and combined dry pipe and pre-action sprinkler systems;
5.1.7. Electrically operated waterflow detection devices serving sprinkler systems and
5.1.8. Air compressors serving sprinkler systems and pre-action sprinkler systems.
5.2 Fire alarm systems and components. Where a zoning indicator panel is provided at the main building entrance in accordance with Section 907.6.3.1 of this code and such panel is located at or below 5 feet (1524 mm) above the design flood elevation specified in ASCE 24, Table 7-1, at least one secondary zoning indicator panel complying with the following requirements shall be provided:
5.2.1. The secondary zoning indicator panel, associated controls, power supplies and means of transferring control shall be provided at least 5 feet (1524 mm) above the design flood elevation specified in ASCE 24, Table 7-1, in a location accessible to responding Fire Department personnel and approved by the department and the Fire Department and
5.2.2. Where the secondary zoning indicator panel or associated controls are only operable upon transfer of control from another zoning indicator panel, such transfer shall be by a means that is approved by the Fire Department.
5.3 Fuel-oil piping systems. The following requirements shall apply to fuel-oil piping systems, as defined by Section 202 of the New York City Mechanical Code:
5.3.1. Fill piping that does not terminate in a watertight terminal approved by the department shall terminate at least 3 feet (914 mm) above the design flood elevation specified in ASCE 24, Table 7-1 and
5.3.2. Normal vent piping and emergency vent piping shall terminate at least 3 feet (914 mm) above the design flood elevation specified in ASCE 24, Table 7-1.
5.4 Plumbing systems and components. The structure shall comply with the following requirements:
5.4.1. Relief vents and fresh air intakes. Relief vents and fresh air intakes serving building traps in accordance with Section 1002.6 of the New York City Plumbing Code shall be carried above grade and shall terminate in a screened outlet that is located outside of the building and at or above the design flood elevation specified in ASCE 24, Table 7-1 and
5.4.2. Reduced pressure zone backflow preventers. Primary reduced pressure principle backflow preventers complying with the requirements of the Department of Environmental Protection shall be located at or above the design flood elevation specified in ASCE 24, Table 7.1. Secondary reduced pressure principle backflow preventers complying with Section 608.13.2 of the New York City Plumbing Code and backflow preventers with intermediate atmospheric vents complying with Section 608.13.3 of the New York City Plumbing Code shall be located at or above the design flood elevation specified in ASCE 24, Table 7-1.
5.4.3. Relief vents for gas service, equipment, and appliance pressure regulators. Relief vents for gas service, equipment, and appliance pressure regulators complying with the New York City Fuel Gas Code shall be located at or above the design flood elevation specified in ASCE 24, Table 7.1.
6. Certifications. Applications shall contain applicable certifications in accordance with Section G104.5; and
7. Special inspections. Special inspections shall be as required by Section G107.