G307.5 Elevation of certain tanks and containers serving flood design class 4 buildings.
The following tanks and containers shall be located at or above the design flood elevation specified in ASCE 24, Table 7-1, when serving flood design class 4 buildings. Such tanks and containers must be designed to maintain service to such structure during flood conditions and shall comply with Section 9.7 of ASCE 24:
1. Medical and compressed gas storage tanks, oxygen tanks, and other cryogenic system storage tanks;
2. Hazardous material storage tanks;
3. Stationary compressed gas containers;
4. Stationary cryogenic containers and
5. Stationary flammable gas storage containers.
G308.1 Garages and accessory structures.
Garages and accessory structures shall be designed and constructed in accordance with ASCE 24, Section 9.4.
G308.2 Fences.
Fences in floodways that may block the passage of floodwaters, such as stockade fences and wire mesh fences, shall meet the requirement of Section G103.5.