General Provisions
   154.001   Title
   154.002   Purpose
   154.003   Jurisdiction
   154.004   Instances when plats will not be required
   154.005   Standards and requirements
   154.006   Interpretation
   154.007   Disclaimer of liability
   154.008   Review and expiration
   154.020   Interpretation of terms
   154.021   Selected definitions
Plat and Plans; Preliminary Plats
   154.035   General procedure
   154.036   Filing procedure
   154.037   Information required
   154.038   Planning and Zoning Commission action
   154.039   Review by Village Board; time constraints
   154.040   Rights and privileges of subdivider
Improvement Plans
   154.055   Submission of plans
   154.056   Information required
   154.057   Inspections required
   154.058   Filing “as-built” records
Assurance for Completion of Required Improvements
   154.070   Approval of final plat; improvements
   154.071   Forms of assurance
   154.072   Amount of bond or deposit
   154.073   Eligible sureties
   154.074   Terms of assurance; extension
   154.075   Release of bond/escrow deposit
   154.076   Failure to complete improvements
Final Plats
   154.090   Village Board approval
   154.091   Filing; time limits
   154.092   Information required
   154.093   Certificates required
   154.094   Administrative review; advisory report
   154.095   Action by Village Board
   154.096   Changes in approved final plats
Maintenance of Improvements
   154.110   Subdivider responsibilities
   154.111   Maintenance bond
Vacation of Plats
   154.125   Vacation of plats
Administrative Procedures
   154.140   Enforcement Officer; duties
   154.141   Subdivision variances
   154.142   Review by Planning and Zoning Commission
   154.143   Action by Village Board; variance standards
   154.144   Amendments
   154.145   Schedule of fees
   154.146   Fees; time of payment
Design and Improvements Standards Generally
   154.160   Applicability of subchapter
   154.161   Suitability for development generally
Lot Requirements
   154.175   Conformity with zoning
   154.176   Access and relationship to street
   154.177   Reference monuments
Street Design Standards
   154.190   Plan integration
   154.191   Right-of-way and pavement widths
   154.192   Topographical considerations
   154.193   Limited access to arterials
   154.194   Dead-end streets
   154.195   Intersections
   154.196   Reverse curves
   154.197   Improvements to existing streets
   154.198   When excess right-of-way required
Street Improvement Standards
   154.210   Developer’s expense
   154.211   Curb and gutter
   154.212   Maintenance responsibility
   154.225   Block width
   154.226   Block length
   154.227   Crosswalks
   154.240   Required
   154.241   Sidewalk construction standards
   154.255   Intersection lighting
   154.256   Streetlight system standards
Street Name Signs
   154.270   Specification
   154.285   Utility location and easements required
   154.286   Utility easements
   154.287   Drainage easements
   154.288   Maintenance easements
Water Facilities
   154.300   Potable water required
   154.301   Fire hydrants
Sanitary Sewers
   154.315   Compliance with regulations
   154.316   When public system planned
   154.317   Alternate methods of disposal
Drainage and Storm Sewers
   154.330   Purpose and intent
   154.331   Special definitions
General Guidelines
   154.345   Applicability
   154.346   Affidavit of disclosure of property interest
   154.347   Method of evaluation
   154.348   Detention of differential runoff
   154.349   Flows from upstream areas
   154.350   Facilities in floodplains
   154.351   Land credit for detention facilities
Design Criteria
   154.365   General requirements
   154.366   Other references
   154.367   Storm water runoff
   154.368   Hydraulic considerations for detention storage
Plan Requirements
   154.380   Plan requirements
   154.381   Construction alternatives
Inspection, Maintenance and Acceptance by Village
   154.395   Inspection
   154.396   Maintenance
   154.397   Acceptance
   154.999   Penalty
   Appendix A: Table A: Street design specifications
   Appendix B: Figures