General Provisions
161.001 Statement legislative intent
161.002 Short title
161.003 Territorial limits of ordinance
161.004 Establishments of districts: provision for official zoning map
161.005 Rules for interpretation of district boundaries
161.006 Schedule of district regulations
161.007 Application of regulations
161.008 Provisions of ordinance declared to be minimum requirements
161.009 Complaints regarding violations
161.010 Airport height regulations
161.011 Separability clause
161.012 Repeal of conflicting ordinances: effective date
Non-Conforming Lots, Non-Conforming Uses of Land, Non-Conforming Structures,
Non-Conforming Uses of Structures and Premises, Non-Conforming Characteristics of Use
and Non-Conforming Signs
Non-Conforming Uses of Structures and Premises, Non-Conforming Characteristics of Use
and Non-Conforming Signs
161.025 Intent
161.026 Non-conforming lots of record
161.027 Non-conforming uses of land (or land with minor structures only)
161.028 Non-conforming structures
161.029 Non-conforming use of structures or of structures and premises in combination
161.030 Repairs and maintenance
161.031 Non-conforming signs shall be amortized
161.032 Conditional uses shall not be non-conforming uses
Supplementary District Regulations
161.045 Visibility at intersections in residential districts
161.046 Fences, walls, and hedges
161.047 Accessory buildings
161.048 Erection of more than one principal structure on a lot
161.049 Exceptions to height regulations
161.050 Structures to have access
161.051 Major recreational equipment
161.052 Parking and storage of certain vehicles
Shipping Containers
161.065 Definitions
161.066 Shipping container use
161.067 Building or construction component
161.068 Accessory structure
161.069 Nonconforming structure permit
161.070 Temporary use
161.071 Violations
Administration and Enforcement - Building Permits and Certificates Of Zoning Compliance
161.085 Administration and enforcement
161.086 Building permits required
161.087 Application for building permit
161.088 Certificates of zoning compliance for new, altered, or non-conforming uses
161.089 Expiration of building permit
161.090 Construction and use to be provided in applications, plans, permits and certificates of zoning compliance
161.091 Storm waster detention plans
Zoning and Planning Commission Board: Establishment and Procedure
161.105 Establishment
161.106 Membership and terms
161.107 Proceedings of the Board of Appeals
161.108 Hearings, appeals, decisions, notice
161.109 Stay of proceedings
Board of Appeals: Powers and Duties
161.120 Powers and duties
Zoning and Planning Commission: Power and Duties for Conditional Use
161.135 Generally
161.136 Application and procedure
161.137 Findings
161.138 Final decision
161.150 Generally
161.151 Application and procedure
Appeals from Board of Appeals, Planning Commission and City Council
161.165 General provisions
Duties of the City Manager, Board of Appeals, Planning Commission and City Council
161.180 General provisions
Schedule of Fees, Charges, Expenses
161.195 General provisions
Definitions and Illustrations
161.210 Definitions
161.211 Illustrations
Permits for Signs and Fees
161.225 Permits
161.226 Signs not subject to a permit
161.227 Fees for sign permit and sign transfer permit
Sign Regulations
161.240 Jurisdiction and scope
161.241 Administration
161.242 Definitions
161.243 Typical on-premise sign types
161.244 Sign areas computational methodology/ground signs
161.245 Sign face area
161.246 Height of signs
161.247 Prohibited signs
161.248 Removal of prohibited signs
161.249 Signs in R-1, R-2, R-M2, R-MH and R-3 Residential Zoning Districts
161.250 Standards in A-G, F-P, B-1, B-2, B-3, B-PL, I-1, I-2, I-A, IPCA-PUD Zoning Districts
161.251 Additional regulations in all districts
161.252 Sign regulations for sexually oriented business
161.253 Electronic message centers
161.254 Sign illumination standards
161.255 Nonconforming signs
161.256 Electrical regulations applying to all signs
161.257 Maintenance requirements
161.258 Off-premise signs
Conditional Sign Permit
161.270 Conditional sign
161.271 Conditional sign permit
161.272 Procedure for conditional sign permit
161.273 Application and procedure
161.274 Findings
161.275 Final decision
Performance Standards
161.290 Generally
161.291 Low and Medium Density Planned Unit Developments (R-1) and (R-2)
161.292 High Density Planned Unit Developments (R-3)
161.293 Planned Manufactured Home Developments (R-MH)
161.294 Light Industrial uses (I-1)
161.295 General Industrial uses (I-2)
Schedule of District Regulations
161.310 General provisions
161.311 Land use districts listed
161.312 A-G General Agriculture
161.313 F-P Flood Plain
161.314 R-1 Low Density Residential
161.315 R-2 Medium Density Residential
161.316 R-M2 Medium Density Residential and Mobile Home
161.317 R-3 High Density Residential
161.318 R-MH Planned Manufactured/Mobile Home
161.319 B-1 Primary Business
161.320 B-2 Secondary Business
161.321 B-3 Interchange Business
161.322 B-PL Planned Business
161.323 I-1 Light Industrial
161.324 I-2 General Industrial
161.325 I-A Industrial - Agriculture Land
161.326 IPCA-PUD Industrial Park Conservation Area-Planned Unit Development (Commercial Design Standards for IPCA-PUD)
Development in Flood Plain (Special Flood Hazard) Areas
161.340 Purpose
161.341 Definitions
161.342 Base flood elevation
161.343 Duties of the Building Official
161.344 Development permit
161.345 Preventing increased flood heights and resulting damages
161.346 Protecting buildings
161.347 Subdivision requirements
161.348 Public health and other standards
161.349 Carrying capacity and notification
161.350 Variances
161.351 Disclaimer of liability
161.352 Penalty
161.353 Abrogation and greater restrictions
161.354 Severability
Zoning, Siting Location and Design Regulations for Wireless Communication Facilities
161.365 Purpose and scope
161.366 Definitions
161.367 Exemptions
161.368 General provisions
161.369 Wireless communication facility locations
161.370 Site development standards
161.371 Co-location
161.372 Facility removal
161.373 Electromagnetic field (EMF) standards compliance
161.374 Application requirements
161.375 Permit limitations
161.376 Fees
161.377 Rules and regulations of the city
161.378 Severability
Small Wireless Facilities Deployment Ordinance Providing for the Regulation of and
Application for Small Wireless Facilities
Application for Small Wireless Facilities
161.390 Preamble
161.391 Purpose and scope
161.392 Definitions
161.393 Regulation of small wireless facilities
161.394 Dispute resolution
161.395 Indemnification
161.396 Insurance
161.397 Severability
Zoning Regulations for Bed and Breakfast Establishments
161.410 Regulations for bed and breakfast establishments
Appendix A: Commercial Design Handbook
It is the intent of this ordinance to divide the City and the land lying contiguous to and within one and one half miles beyond the corporate limits, into zones, or districts, for the purpose of restricting and regulating therein the location, erection, constriction, reconstruction, alteration and use of buildings, structures, and land for trade, industry, residence, and other specified uses; to regulate the intensity of the use of lot areas, and to regulate and determine the area of open spaces surrounding such buildings; to establish building lines and the location of buildings designed for specified industrial business, residential and other uses within such areas; to fix standards to which buildings or structures shall conform therein; to prohibit uses, buildings or structures incompatible with the character of such districts, respectively; to prevent additions to and alterations or remodeling of existing buildings or structures in such a way as to avoid the restrictions and limitations lawfully imposed hereunder; to limit congestion in the public streets by providing for off-street parking and loading and unloading of vehicles; providing for the gradual elimination of nonconforming uses of land, building and structures; to lessen congestion in the streets, to secure safety from fire, panic and other dangers; to provide adequate light and air; to prevent the over crowding of land; to conserve the taxable value of land and buildings throughout the City; and to promote the public health, safety and general welfare.
(Prior Code, Art. 21, § 21-101)