All Wireless Communication Facilities shall be constructed, erected or built in accordance with the following site development standards:
   (A)   (1)   Wireless Communication Facilities shall be screened or camouflaged by employing the best available technology.
      (2)   This may be accomplished by use of compatible materials, location, color, stealth technologies, and/or other tactics to achieve minimum visibility of the facility as viewed from public streets or residential properties. All screening and camouflaging is subject to the approval of the City when possible facilities should be camouflaged to resemble trees.
   (B)   Wireless Communication Facilities may be mounted on certain nonresidential buildings and structures in accordance with the limitations in § 161.369(B) with administrative approval, provided that the following conditions are met:
      (1)   The Wireless Communication Facility is co-located on an existing wireless communication facility and conforms to § 161.369(A); or
      (2)   The Wireless Communication Facility consists of a microcell or a minor facility as follows:
         (a)   The combined antenna(e) and supporting hardware shall not extend more than 15 feet above the existing or proposed roof structure. Antenna(e) may be mounted to rooftop appurtenances provided they do not extend beyond 15 feet above the roof proper; and
         (b)   The antenna(e) and supporting hardware shall be mounted on the building upon which they are located and designed to minimize visual and aesthetic impacts to surrounding land uses and structures and shall, to the greatest extent practical, blend into the existing environment.
         (c)   The minimum setback in each direction from the edge of the building or structure shall be one and one-half feet of setback for each foot of combined antenna and supporting hardware height, which minimum setback shall not be subject to variance.
   (C)   Freestanding Wireless Communication Facilities shall conform to all of the following site development standards:
      (1)   Monopoles shall be the only freestanding support structures allowed in the City; no lattice towers or guy towers shall be permitted;
      (2)   Installation of a freestanding facility shall be denied if placement of the antennae on an existing structure can meet the applicant’s technical and network location requirements;
      (3)   (a)   The applicant shall demonstrate that the Wireless Communication Facility is the minimum height required to function satisfactorily.
         (b)   No freestanding facility that is taller than the maximum allowed height shall be approved. Height shall be measured to the top of the antenna(e);
      (4)   A freestanding Wireless Communication Facility, including the support structure and associated electronic equipment, shall have a minimum setback requirement from all adjoining property lines equal to one foot of setback for each foot of height; except, however, when on a parcel adjacent to a residential use or adjacent to a lot zoned residential, then the minimum setback from the property line(s) of the adjacent residential use or lot shall be one and one-half feet of setback for each foot of height. Minimum setback requirements shall not be subject to variance;
      (5)   Freestanding Wireless Communication Facilities shall be designed and placed on the site in a manner that takes maximum advantage of existing trees, mature vegetation, and structures so as to:
         (a)   Use existing site features to screen as much of the total facility as possible from prevalent views; and/or
         (b)   Use existing site features as a background so that the total facility blends into the background with increased sight distances;
      (6)   In reviewing the proposed placement of a wireless facility on the site and any associated landscaping, the City may make a condition of the permit that the applicant supplement existing trees and mature vegetation to more effectively screen the facility; and
      (7)   Support structures, antennae, and any associated hardware shall be painted a nonreflective color or color scheme appropriate to the background against which the facility would be viewed from a majority of points within its viewshed. A proposed color or color scheme shall be approved by the City.
      (8)   (a)   Separation distances between freestanding Wireless Communication Facilities is required and shall measured between the proposed Wireless Communication Facility and those Wireless Communication Facilities that are existing, or have received approval on the effective date of this Ordinance from any governmental entity, regardless of whether situated within or outside the corporate limits of the City.
         (b)   The separation distances shall be measured by drawing or following a straight line between the base of the existing Wireless Communication Facility and the proposed base, pursuant to a site plan of the proposed Wireless Communication Facility.
         (c)   No freestanding Wireless Communication Facility shall be erected within 1500 feet of another freestanding Wireless Communication Facility.
   (D)   Electronics equipment enclosures shall conform to the following:
      (1)   Screening of Wireless Communication Facility equipment enclosures shall be provided with one or a combination of the following: underground, fencing, walls, landscaping, structures, or topography which will block the view of the equipment shelter as much as practicable from any street and/or adjacent properties. Screening may be located anywhere between the enclosure and the above mentioned viewpoints. Landscaping for the purposes of screening shall be maintained in a healthy condition; and
      (2)   No wireless equipment reviewed under this section shall be located within required building setback areas.
   (E)   Security fencing, if used, shall conform to the following:
      (1)   No fence shall exceed eight (8) feet in height or be less than six (6) feet in height;
      (2)   Security fencing shall be effectively screened from view through the use of appropriate landscaping materials; and
      (3)   Chain-link fences shall be painted or coated with a nonreflective color, and shall have a minimum three (3) foot deep area to be planted with approved plant species in a manner that will completely screen the fencing.
(Prior Code, Art. 21, § 21-500.6)