(A)   I-1 Land Use District Statement of Intent.
      (1)   This district is established to provide space for certain types of industrial and/or manufacturing and/or warehousing or storage operations which are compatible to adjoining districts. Such uses generally require open storage of materials or goods either before, during or after the manufacturing process, but are of a low noise or nuisance level. Such uses shall be conducted entirely within an enclosed building of substantial construction. Land designated for this district should be located in relation to the thoroughfare network of the community as well as rail and air if required, and designated so as to not disrupt normal traffic flow. Because of increased technological developments, extensive lists of permitted and prohibited uses is impractical, therefore, to safeguard the public interests, performance standards are established herein as criteria for all permitted uses and as guidance for the Planning Commission in permitting any conditional uses. Planned Industrial Parks are encouraged in this district.
      (2)   This district also provides space for sexually oriented business so as to minimize secondary effects of sexually oriented business on residential, business and other districts
   (B)   NOTES.
      (1)   For Sign Regulations see §§ 161.240 through 161.258 of this Ordinance.
      (2)   See Performance Standards for I-1 District, excluding sexually oriented businesses.
   (C)   Schedule of District Regulations.
      (1)   Permitted Principal Uses and Structures and Accessory Uses and Structures.
         (a)   Principal and Accessory Uses and Structures are permitted if the performance standards for this district (2) are met and certified as being met by a registered professional engineer of the State of Illinois. Standards of the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency must also be met.
         (b)   Accessory Uses and Structures may include a Truck or Equipment Terminal, but only with a Conditional Use Permit, as an accessory use customarily incidental to a permitted principal use on the same parcel.
         (c)   Wireless Communication Facility placed on an existing nonresidential structure as described within §§ 161.365 through 161.378.
         (d)   Sexually Oriented Business shall be located as follows:
            1.   a.   If situated within the corporate limits the sexually oriented business shall not be operated within 400 feet of
                  i.   a religious institution;
                   ii.   a school;
                  iii.   a public park;
                  iv.   the boundary of any residential district;
                  v.   any property actually occupied, devoted to or utilized for residential use, whether zoned residential or not.
               b.   If situated outside the corporate limits the sexually oriented business shall not be operated within 500 feet of:
                  i.   a religious institution;
                  ii.   a school;
                  iii.   a public park;
                  iv.   the boundary of any residential district;
                  v.   any property actually occupied, devoted to or utilized for residential use, whether zoned residential or not.
            2.   A sexually oriented business shall not be operated in the same building, structure or portion thereof containing another sexually oriented business or containing any premises licensed under Chapter 111 of the Revised Code of Ordinances or containing any business or premises licensed under Chapter 116 of the Revised Code of Ordinances. In addition, a sexually oriented business shall not be operated within 800 feet of another sexually oriented business or within 800 feet of any business or premises licensed under Chapter 111 of the Revised Code of Ordinances or within 800 feet of any business or premises licensed under Chapter 116 of the Revised Code of Ordinances. A sexually oriented business shall be operated only within a single structure situated upon the premises; two or more buildings connected by an enclosed walkway or hall shall constitute a single structure.
            3.   Measurements shall be made in a straight line without regard to intervening structures or objects from the nearest portion of the building or structure used as part of the premises where a sexually oriented business is conducted to the nearest property line of the premises of a business or use described within (C)(1)(d)1. above.
            4.   The distance between any two businesses described within subparagraph (C)(1)(d)2. shall be measured in a straight line without regard to intervening structures or objects from the closest exterior wall of the structure in which each business is located.
            5.   The distance requirements and provisions of (C)(1)(d)1. and (C)(1)(d)2. above shall not be subject to variance.
            6.   Notwithstanding any other provision of Chapter 161 of the Revised Code of Ordinances, a sexually oriented business lawfully established, lawfully located and lawfully operating on September 2, 2003 that is in violation of the foregoing shall be a non-conforming use and said non-conforming use will be permitted to continue at its existing location for a period of 1-year, unless sooner terminated for any reason or voluntarily discontinued for a period of 30-days or more.
         (e)   Helicopter or air ambulance services as a principal use, although land ambulances are permitted as an accessory use to the principal use.
         (f)   Non-residential sleeping quarters for helicopter or air ambulance services providing emergency medical first responder services, when used solely in conjunction with and forming part of a premises of a provider of emergency medical first responder services. If the use is situated solely upon real estate owned by a governmental entity then the sleeping quarters may be situated within a mobile home (notwithstanding § 156.04 of the Revised Code of Ordinances) if the following conditions are met:
            1.   Written variance must be obtained from the Zoning Board of Appeals permitting use of the mobile home, which variance shall be granted only if each and every condition set forth herein is met.
            2.   The mobile home shall be an accessory structure only;
            3.   The sleeping quarters must be the primary use within the mobile home, with any office use being secondary and with storage use being prohibited;
            4.   The variance permitting use of a mobile home shall immediately terminate upon any transfer of title to the real estate or to the mobile home or transfer of the assets of the emergency medical first responder service provider or cessation of business of same or cessation of use of the mobile home for sleeping quarters or expiration of any lease or agreement with the governmental entity, or upon any condition imposed herein not being satisfied;
            5.   The mobile home must be removed within 30-days of termination of the variance permitting placement of the mobile home.
         (g)   Commercial Solar Energy Facility - see Chapter 160 of the Revised Code of Ordinances.
         (h)   Non-Commercial Solar Energy Facility- see Chapter 160 of the Revised Code.
      (2)   Conditional Uses. After notice & appropriate safeguards, the City Council may permit as Conditional Uses:
         (a)   Wireless Communication Freestanding Wireless Communication Facility as described within §§ 161.365 through 161.378;
         (b)   Cannabis Craft Grower or Cannabis Cultivation Center (must be 1500 feet distance between each use as measured from each property line);
         (c)   Cannabis Infuser Organization or Infuser; Cannabis Processing Organization or Processor; Cannabis Transporting Organization or Transporter;
         (d)   Truck Terminal or Equipment Terminal, but only as an accessory use to a Permitted Use.
      (3)   Prohibited Uses. Any use more appropriate to another zone or zones including, but not limited to:
         (a)   Residential uses of any kind including dwelling units, hotels, motels, mobile homes, etc.
         (b)   Schools, churches, clubs, lodges, hospitals.
         (c)   Truck Stop.
         (d)   Abandoned Automobile.
         (e)   Automobile Wrecking.
         (f)   Kennel.
         (g)   Mineral Extractive Operations.
      (4)   Minimum lot area; Minimum yards (all buildings); Minimum floor area (principal buildings); Maximum height (all buildings); Maximum floor area ratio (all buildings).
         (a)   All uses except sexually oriented business:
            1.   MIN. LOT AREA: 2 acre.
            2.   MIN. LOT WIDTH: 125’.
            3.   MIN. FRONT YD. DEPTH: 20’.
            4.   MIN. REAR YD. DEPTH: 20’.
            5.   MIN. SIDE YD. WIDTH: 20’.
            6.   MIN. FLOOR AREA: 1,000 Sq. Ft.
            7.   MAX. HEIGHT: As determined by F.A.R.
            8.   MAX. STORIES: As determined by F.A.R.
            9.   MAX. FLOOR AREA RATIO: .50.
         (b)   Sexually oriented business:
            1.   MIN. LOT AREA: 5,000 sq. feet.
            2.   MIN. LOT WIDTH: 50’.
            3.   MIN. FRONT YD. DEPTH: 35’.
            4.   MIN REAR YD. DEPTH: None.
            5.   MIN. SIDE YD.: If lot abuts public alley on rear, none required; otherwise one side yard shall be required a minimum of 20’ to permit off-street parking.
            6.   MIN. FLOOR AREA: N/A.
            7.   MAX. HEIGHT: 35’.
            8.   MAX. STORIES: 2.
            9.   MAX FLOOR AREA RATIO: .60.
      (5)   Minimum off-street parking & loading.
land use
parking spaces
loading spaces
         (a)   Graded, paved, marked, lighted, and drained off-street parking and loading areas shall be provided as follows:
            1.   For industrial or manufacturing operations - 1 auto parking space per (a) two employees of combined employment of two largest successive shifts, or (b) two employees if only one shift operation; plus 1 auto parking space equal to 15% of the above for visitors and company vehicles. Minimum of 1 off-street loading space. Additional off-street loading spaces may be required by the nature and size of anticipated operations.
            2.   For non-industrial or manufacturing operations as required in more restricted district(s), except sexually oriented business.
            3.   Common parking and loading areas provided parking requirements for all uses are met.
            4.   Sexually oriented businesses:
         (b)   Off-street Parking:
            1.   Adult store: one space per 300 square feet of gross floor area, excluding viewing rooms and one space per viewing room.
            2.   Adult cabaret: one space for each table or booth or three seats at counter or bar.
            3.   Adult motel: one space per guest sleeping room.
            4.   Adult theater: one space for each six seats of designated capacity.
            5.   Semi nude studio, Sexual encounter center, Escort agency: one space per 300 square feet of gross floor area.
         (c)   Lighting:
            1.   All off-street parking areas and entrances to the premises of a sexually oriented business shall be illuminated from dusk to closing hours of operation with a lighting system which provides an average maintained horizontal illumination of 5 foot candles of light on surface of the parking areas and walkways. Illumination of the remaining external surface areas of the sexually oriented business shall be an average maintained horizontal illumination of not less than 2 foot candles of light or greater than 5 foot candles of light. This required lighting level is established in order to provide sufficient illumination to the parking areas and walkway areas serving the sexually oriented business for the personal safety of the patrons and employees of the sexually oriented business and to reduce the incidents of vandalism and criminal conduct.
            2.   All lighting shall be shielded and arranged so that illumination is directed toward the surface areas of the licensed premises and not onto adjoining properties or into the skyward area above the licensed premises or the skyward area of a property adjoining the licensed premises, so that light trespass onto adjoining properties and light pollution (sky glow and/or glare) will be minimized. No light fixture shall be mounted or placed higher than 25 feet from the ground surface. Illumination from the sexually oriented business shall not exceed 1 foot candle 10 feet from the property boundary line on any property adjoining the premises of the sexually oriented business.
(Prior Code, Art. 21, § 21-300) (Ord. 2023-30, passed 8-21-2023)