(A)   B-PL Land Use District Statement of Intent. This district is created to provide for the construction of a planned shopping center offering a wide variety of goods and services, and which caters to the auto oriented shopper. This district is similar to the Secondary Business District, but the differentiation between these districts is primarily in the minimum size tract of land involved. Any land so designated must necessarily be through the rezoning process and this will require amendment to the zoning ordinance and zoning district map.
   (B)   NOTES.
      (1)   For Sign Regulations see §§ 161.240 through 161.258 of this Ordinance.
      (2)   The development plan for a B-PL District shall be approved by the City Council; such plan shall show:
         (a)   Access points to public ROW.
         (b)   Building locations.
         (c)   Parking layout.
         (d)   Elevations of buildings.
         (e)   Landscaping plan.
         (f)   Lighting plan.
         (g)   Drainage plan.
         (h)   Site utilities plan.
         (i)   Such plan shall be compatible with the comprehensive and thoroughfare plans.
         (j)   If development is to be staged, phasing shall be indicated.
   (C)   Schedule of District Regulations.
      (1)   Permitted Principal Uses and Structures.
         (a)   Planned Developments only, but which may include any use as permitted in B-2 or B-3 Districts. (2)
         (b)   Wireless Communication Facility placed on existing nonresidential structure as described within §§ 161.365 through 161.378.
         (c)   Non-Commercial Solar Energy Facility- see Chapter 160 of the Revised Code.
      (2)   Permitted Accessory Uses and Structures. Only those accessory uses and structures customarily incidental to principal uses and structures, including: Propane Filling Station with a Conditional Use Permit but only for the uses specified herein
      (3)   Conditional Uses. After notice & appropriate safeguards, the City Council may permit as Conditional Uses:
         (a)   The following manufacturing operations providing they are of a limited nature, in conjunction with a permitted use, and in harmony with other activities in this district.
            1.   Bakery manufacturing.
            2.   Candy manufacturing Drapery manufacturing Jewelry manufacturing.
            3.   Clothes cleaning plant or laundry.
         (b)   The following uses providing the location, nature and extent of proposed operations are compatible with other uses in the district, and that any proposed development plan provides consideration for integration with the thoroughfare system of the neighborhood and community.
            1.   Newspaper printing plants.
            2.   Lumber yards.
            3.   Agricultural implement stores.
            4.   Warehouses.
            5.   Moving and storage operations conducted within a building.
            6.   Drive In theaters.
            7.   Cannabis Dispensing Organization.
               a.   must be 1500 feet distance between each use as measured from each property line and 100 feet distance from any pre-existing church or daycare or pre-school facility or primary or secondary school or residential care home, as measured from the property line of the Cannabis Dispensing Organization and the closest building line of the church or daycare or pre-school facility or primary or secondary school or residential care home and
               b.   cannabis café, lounge, or on-site consumption is prohibited).
            8.   Propane Filling Station (See Notes).
         (c)   Conditional Use Notes: Propane Filling Station:
            1.   Permitted only as an Accessory Use for a retailer which primarily engages in sales of and service for travel trailers or for a retailer which primarily engages in sale of farm, garden, and hardware supplies or for a Truck Stop.
            2.   Must be enclosed by an approved locking security fencing not less than 6 feet in height.
            3.   Minimum distance of security fencing to residentially zoned property shall be 330 feet in all directions (with no variance permitted), measured from the fencing to the property line of the residentially zoned property.
            4.   Maximum tank size (with no variance permitted) shall be 1000 gallons.
            5.   Only Liquid Propane Gas (LPG) designated UN 1075 shall be stored or sold upon the premises.
            6.   Must comply with applicable Codes, including Chapter 91 of Revised Code.
            7.   Shall be subject to such additional conditions as determined by the City Council to be necessary to protect the public interests.
      (4)   Prohibited Uses. Any use more appropriate to another zone or zones including, but not limited to:
         (a)   Residential dwelling units.
         (b)   Mobile homes.
         (c)   Travel trailers.
         (d)   Agriculture.
         (e)   Industrial or manufacturing operations except as permitted by Planning Commission.
         (f)   Abandoned automobile.
         (g)   Automobile wrecking.
         (h)   Kennel.
         (i)   Mineral extractive operations.
         (j)   Equipment Terminal, Truck Terminal, Truck Stop.
      (5)   Minimum lot area; Minimum yards (all buildings); Minimum floor area (principal buildings); Maximum height (all buildings); Maximum floor area ratio (all buildings).
         (a)   MIN. LOT AREA: Min. tract of 5 acres for entire development.
         (b)   MIN. LOT WIDTH: 300’ for entire development. For individual uses as determined by the development plan.
         (c)   MIN. FRONT, REAR & SIDE YARDS: as determined by development plan.
         (d)   MIN. FLOOR AREA: 50,000 sq. ft. for entire development.
         (e)   MAX. HEIGHT: 30’.
         (f)   MAX. STORIES: 3.
         (g)   MAX. FLOOR AREA RATIO: N/A.
         (h)   See Note (2).
      (6)   Minimum off-street parking & loading.
land use
parking spaces
loading spaces
Parking: A common parking lot (or lots) is (are) permitted but provisions for parking spaces per required use shall be governed by the requirements of the B-2 District.
Loading: Off-street loading facilities and space shall be provided as distinctly separate from parking lots and designed so as there will be a minimum or no conflict with parking lots.
(Prior Code, Art. 21, § 21-300) (Ord. 2023-30, passed 8-21-2023)