(A)   B-1 Land Use District Statement of Intent.
      (1)   This district is the location of the most valuable land in the community, and in its establishment the aims are to protect this community created value by: restricting uses to primarily pedestrian oriented traffic; discouraging uses requiring large areas of land in proportion to pedestrian traffic generated; encouraging intense land development. Uses in this district should be: predominantly retail; public or private offices; appropriate types of personal and business services. Residential uses are discouraged in this district except for hotels.
      (2)   Off-street parking in this district except in conditional uses is encouraged through the development of private and/or public parking facilities which are consolidated and/or of adequate size and lend themselves to better traffic control and more efficient use of land.
      (3)   The provisions for off-street loading facilities are intended to avoid congestion in the streets which would otherwise hamper the normal flow of traffic resulting from trucks and delivery vehicles double parking. Consequently, off-street loading requirements are encouraged but not required in this district when access to public alley exists.
   (B)   NOTES.
      (1)   For Sign Regulations see §§ 161.240 through 161.258 of this Ordinance
      (2)   All outdoor areas of a Day Care Center or Day Care Home where any child may reasonably be expected to be present shall be enclosed by a four foot chain link or 6 foot privacy fence approved by the Building Inspector unless waived by City Council.   
   (C)   Schedule of District Regulations.
      (1)   Permitted Principal Uses and Structures. The following service establishments or offices wherein or whereat incidental but subordinate sale of merchandise may or may not be available.
         (a)   Accountants.
         (b)   Advertising Agencies.
         (c)   Appliance Repair.
         (d)   Amusement Centers except Bowling Alleys.
         (e)   Attorneys.
         (f)   Architects.
         (g)   Art Galleries.
         (h)   Auto Parking Lots or Structures.
         (i)   Banks, except Drive In Facilities.
         (j)   Barber.
         (k)   Beauty Shops.
         (l)   Blueprinting & Photocopying.
         (m)   Business & Professional Offices.
         (n)   Catering.
         (o)   Chambers of Commerce.
         (p)   Clothes Cleaning Agency.
         (q)   Clubs or Lodges, Private.
         (r)   Credit Bureaus & Collections.
         (s)   Currency Exchanges.
         (t)   Custom Tailor & Dressmaking.
         (u)   Dentist, Orthodontists, etc.
         (v)   Detectives.
         (w)   Employment Agencies.
         (x)   Engineering Offices, but not outside storage of equipment.
         (y)   Essential Services.
         (z)   Funeral Homes.
         (aa)   Fire Station.
         (bb)   General Loan.
         (cc)   Governmental Offices.
         (dd)   Insurance Agencies.
         (ee)   Insurance Company Offices.
         (ff)   Interior Decorator.
         (gg)   Janitorial Services.
         (hh)   Jewelry Repair.
         (ii)   Labor Unions & Halls.
         (jj)   Laundry Agencies.
         (kk)   Libraries.
         (ll)   Locksmiths.
         (mm)   Motion Picture Theaters.
         (nn)   Museums.
         (oo)   Newspaper Offices but not newspaper plants.
         (pp)   Offices, Business & Professional.
         (qq)   Pawn Brokers.
         (rr)   Physicians, Chiropractor, Osteopaths etc. but not Veterinarians.
         (ss)   Photographer.
         (tt)   Planners, but not outside storage of equipment.
         (uu)   Police Station.
         (vv)   Pool hall.
         (ww)   Post Office.
         (xx)   Radio Studios.
         (yy)   Savings & Loan Association.
         (zz)   Secretarial.
         (aaa)   Security & Commodity Brokers & Dealers Small Loan.
         (bb)   Title Abstract Offices.
         (ccc)   Travel Agencies.
         (ddd)   Upholstery Shop.
         (eee)   Utility Company Offices, but not outside storage of equipment.
         (fff)   Wireless Communication Facility placed on existing nonresidential structure as described within §§ 161.365 through 161.378.
         (ggg)   Stores or shops offering the following merchandise primarily at retail & wherein or whereat incidental but subordinate related services may or may not be available:
            1.   Candy, but not manufacturing operations.
            2.   Catering.
            3.   Confectionery.
            4.   Delicatessen or Food, but not grocery or supermarket.
            5.   Department.
            6.   Drapery.
            7.   Drug.
            8.   Dry Goods.
            9.   Florist.
            10.   Furniture.
            11.   Gifts.
            12.   Hardware.
            13.   Ice Cream, Ice Milk walk in or walk up but not drive in.
            14.   Jewelry.
            15.   Liquor.
            16.   Locksmith.
            17.   Mail Order.
            18.   Milliner.
            19.   Music.
            20.   Notions.
            21.   Office Supply.
            22.   Optical Merchandise.
            23.   Pawn Brokers.
            24.   Periodicals.
            25.   Pharmacy.
            26.   Ready to wear, Men’s Women’s, Children, Infants Restaurants, but not drive in.
            27.   Shoes.
            28.   Sporting Goods.
            29.   Stationery.
            30.   Tavern.
            31.   Trading Stamp Redemption.
            32.   Tobacco, News.
            33.   Toys.
            34.   Variety or Dime.
         (hhh)   Non-Commercial Solar Energy Facility- see Chapter 160 of the Revised Code.
         (iii)   The administrative official shall have authority to determine other uses, in addition to those specifically listed herein, when in his judgment such other uses are similar to and no more objectionable to the public welfare than those listed.
      (2)   Permitted Accessory Uses and Structures.
         (a)   Only sale of gas & oil at retail in conjunction with and subsidiary to a parking garage or parking lot.
         (b)   Offices in conjunction with and subsidiary to principal use.
         (c)   Warehousing or storage in conjunction with and subsidiary to principal use.
         (d)   Off-street parking and loading.
      (3)   Conditional Uses. After notice & appropriate safeguards, the City Council may permit as Conditional Uses: The following manufacturing operations providing they are of a limited nature.
         (a)   In conjunction with a permitted use, and in harmony with other activities in this district.
            1.   Bakery Manufacturing.
            2.   Candy Manufacturing.
            3.   Drapery Manufacturing.
            4.   Jewelry Manufacturing.
            5.   Clothes Cleaning Plant or Laundry.
         (b)   The following uses providing the location, nature and extent of proposed operations are compatible with other uses in the district, and that any proposed development plan provides consideration for integration with the thoroughfare system of the neighborhood and community:
            1.   Day Care Center.
            2.   Drive In Banking.
            3.   Drive In Restaurants.
            4.   Drive In Operations not otherwise specified or prohibited.
            5.   Paint, Wallpaper Glass.
            6.   Pet Shop.
            7.   Coin Operated Laundromat or Dry Cleaning.
            8.   Church or Temple.
            9.   Crematorium operated in conjunction with Funeral Home.
            10.   Meat, Poultry or Fish Market.
            11.   Post Office.
            12.   Clubs or Lodges (Private).
            13.   Exterminating Services.
            14.   Hospitals.
            15.   Medical Clinics.
            16.   Auto Glass Stores.
            17.   Schools of any kind.
            18.   Hotels or Motels.
            19.   Newspaper Printing Plants.
            20.   Printers.
            21.   Rental Equipment.
            22.   Transportation Terminals (passenger).
            23.   Bowling Alleys.
            24.   TV Studios.
            25.   Chemical Supplies.
            26.   Lumber Yards.
            27.   Automobile Sales & Service.
            28.   Kennel.
            29.   Adult Daycare.
            30.   Cannabis Dispensing Organization.
               a.   must be 1500 feet distance between each use as measured from each property line and 100 feet distance from any pre-existing church or daycare or pre-school facility or primary or secondary school or residential care home, as measured from the property line of the Cannabis Dispensing Organization and the closest building line of the church or daycare or pre-school facility or primary or secondary school or residential care home and
               b.   cannabis café, lounge, or on-site consumption is prohibited).
            31.   One or more dwelling units above the main floor (i.e. street level) with each unit having a minimum total floor area per dwelling unit (which includes a studio or efficiency dwelling) of 600 square feet, plus an additional total floor space of 150 square feet per each bedroom and with each dwelling unit being in full compliance with all applicable local, state, and federal laws and codes.
      (4)   Prohibited Uses. Any use more appropriate to another zone or zones including, but not limited to:
         (a)   Truck Sales & Service.
         (b)   Trailer, Mobile Homes.
         (c)   Sales & Service.
         (d)   Drive Ins:
            1.   Ice Cream or Ice Milk.
            2.   Agricultural Products except produce.
         (e)   Manufacturing or industrial operations except those permitted.
         (f)   Single Family Residential Structures.
         (g)   Truck or Equipment Terminals, Truck Stop.
         (h)   Warehouses.
         (i)   Moving & Storage Operations.
         (j)   Agricultural Equipment Stores.
         (k)   Abandoned Automobile.
         (l)   Automobile Wrecking.
         (m)   Automobile Service Station.
         (n)   Mineral Extractive Operations.
      (5)   Minimum lot area; Minimum yards (all buildings); Minimum floor area (principal buildings); Maximum height (all buildings); Maximum floor area ratio (all buildings).
         (a)   MIN. LOT AREA: Not applicable.
         (b)   MIN. FRONT, SIDE & REAR YARD: None except as required by the Planning Commission.
         (c)   MIN. FLOOR AREA: N/A.
         (d)   MAX. HEIGHT: As determined by F.A.R.
         (e)   MAX. STORIES: As determined by F.A.R.
         (f)   MAX. FLOOR AREA RATIO: Per Story: 1.0 for 1; 2.0 for 2; 3.0 for 3; 3.5 for 4; 4.0 for 5; 4.5 for 6; 5.0 for 7; 5.5 for 8; 6.0 for 9; 6.50 for 10; 7.0 for 11; 7.5 for 12 & up.
      (6)   Minimum off-street parking & loading.
         (a)   Parking: Off-street parking shall not be required for any use except conditional uses permitted by City Council and shall be provided or not provided as determined by the City Council.
         (b)   Loading Spaces: Any permitted principal use having access to a public alley shall not be required to provide off-street loading facilities. Off-street loading facilities for conditional uses if permitted by City Council and uses not having access to a public alley, shall be provided as determined by the City Council.
(Prior Code, Art. 21, § 21-300) (Ord. 2023-30, passed 8-21-2023)