The following signs (which term includes sign structures) are prohibited in all Zoning Districts, except as noted:
   (A)   Signs containing strobe lights, revolving lights, or search lights.
   (B)   Abandoned signs and abandoned sign structures which remain upon a premises for more than sixty days from date the sign or sign structure becomes abandoned;
   (C)   Signs placed on or painted on a motor vehicle or trailer parked with the primary purpose of providing signage not otherwise allowed by the Sign Regulations; Prohibited is any sign displayed on a parked trailer or truck or other vehicle where the primary purpose of the vehicle is to advertise a product, service business, or other activity. The use of business logos, identification, or advertising on vehicles primarily, actively, and regularly used for business and/or personal transportation is not prohibited.
   (D)   Signs that imitate or resemble official traffic lights, signs or signals or signs that interfere with the effectiveness of any official traffic light, sign or signal.
   (E)   Mechanically Moving Signs - An environmentally activated sign or other display with actual mechanical motion powered by natural, manual, mechanical, electrical or other means, including but not limited to pennants, streamers, spinners, propellers, and search lights.
   (F)   Flashing Signs - See Definitions within § 161.242. As provided within said Definitions, a sign that has a change rate or dwell time of four (4) seconds or longer is not a flashing sign.
   (G)   Animated signs and Roof signs in all Residential Zoning Districts. Illuminated signs on single family or two family residential sites and on individual dwelling units of multifamily complexes or manufactured home parks.
   (H)   Posters and Handbills affixed to any structure (except a permitted sign structure), tree, other natural vegetation, rocks, utility pole or other pole.
   (I)   Roof signs, except for those permitted by Conditional Use in Non- Residential Zoning Districts. See § 161.250(B)(3).
   (J)   Simulated Traffic Signs and Obstructions - Any sign or sign structure which may be confused with, or obstruct the view of, any authorized traffic sign or signal, or which obstructs the sight-distance triangle at any road intersection or which unlawfully extends into the public right-of-way.
   (K)   Any portable sign as defined within § 161.242.
   (L)   Signs Adversely Affecting Safety. Signs which prevent free ingress or egress from any door, window, fire escape, or that prevent free access from one part of a roof to any other part. No sign other than a safety sign shall be attached to a stand-pipe or fire escape.
   (M)   Sign Emissions- No sign which emits smoke, visible vapors, particles, sound or odor shall be permitted. Open flames used to attract public attention to a place of business or to an advertising sign shall not be permitted.
   (N)   Mirrors. No mirror device shall be used as part of a sign.
   (O)   Inflatable Signs except as a temporary sign.
   (P)   Projecting Signs and Permanent Banners except within a Business Zoning District.
   (Q)   Any sign upon or within a public right of way or extending into a public right of way, unless specifically permitted by § 161.251(B) or (C).
   (R)   Any sign within a Zoning District not allowed as a permitted sign or as a conditional use sign within said District. Where the Sign Regulations are silent, or where the Sign Regulations do not provide a basis for concluding that a sign is allowed, said sign is prohibited.
   (S)   Any sign constructed of plywood, particle board, or similar construction material and of 2x4, 4x4, 4x6, 6x6 wood support structure or similar size or type support; the size of which sign is larger than eight (8) square feet or which has an exposed (i.e. distance between bottom of sign and ground) support structure greater than twenty four (24) inches in height.
   (T)   Any sign requiring a Permit but for which no Permit has be obtained or any sign which is not placed and maintained in accordance with the Sign Regulations.
   (U)   Any sign not legally installed in conformance with all Sign Regulations and Ordinances in effect at time of installation; any nonconforming sign for which the nonconformity status ceases as provided within § 161.255.
(Prior Code, Art. 21, § 21-126.8)