§ 161.242 DEFINITIONS.
   ABANDONED SIGN. A sign that no longer identifies or advertises an ongoing business, product, location, service, idea, or activity conducted on the premises on which the sign is located or a sign having no sign copy or a sign in disrepair or an off-premise sign for which the permit has expired.
   ALTERATION. A change in the size, height, or shape, or type of an existing sign. A change only to the copy or color of an existing sign is not an ALTERATION. Changing or replacing a sign face or panel is not an ALTERATION if no change in size, height, or type accompanies said change or replacement.
   ANIMATED SIGN. A sign employing actual motion, the illusion of motion, or light and/or color changes achieved through mechanical, electrical, or electronic means. ANIMATED SIGNS, which are differentiated from changeable signs as defined herein, include the following types:
      (1)   ENVIRONMENTALLY ACTIVATED. Animated signs or devices motivated by wind, thermal changes, or other natural environmental input. Said signs include spinners, streamers, pinwheels, pennants on a string, and/or other devices or displays that respond to naturally occurring external motivation.
      (2)   MECHANICALLY ACTIVATED. Animated signs characterized by repetitive motion and/or rotation activated by a mechanical system powered by electric motors or other mechanically induced means.
      (3)   ELECTRICALLY ACTIVATED. Animated signs producing the illusion of movement by means of electronic, electrical, or electromechanical input and/or illumination capable of simulating movement through employment of the characteristics of one or both of the classifications noted below:
         (a)   FLASHING. Animated signs or animated portions of signs whose illumination is characterized by a repetitive cycle in which the period of illumination is either the same as or less than the period of non-illumination. For the purposes of this ordinance, flashing will not be defined as occurring if the cyclical period between on-off phases of illumination exceeds four (4) seconds.
         (b)   PATTERNED ILLUSIONARY MOVEMENT. Animated signs or animated portions of signs whose illumination is characterized by simulated movement through alternate or sequential activation of various illuminated elements for the purpose of producing repetitive light patterns designed to appear in some form of constant motion.
   ARCHITECTURAL PROJECTION. Any projection from a building that is decorative and/or functional and not intended for occupancy and that extends beyond the face of an exterior wall of a building but that does not include a sign, sign face, or sign copy as defined herein. See also: AWNING; BACK-LIT AWNING; and CANOPY (ATTACHED AND FREESTANDING).
   AWNING. An architectural projection or shelter projecting from and supported by the exterior wall of a building and composed of a covering of rigid or non-rigid materials and/or fabric on a supporting framework that may be either permanent or retractable.
   AWNING SIGN. A sign displayed on or attached flat against the surface or surfaces of an awning. See also: WALL OR FASCIA SIGN. An awning that contains a “sign” section or copy area shall comply with the applicable sign area requirements for parallel signs (see Table 3) contained in this Code. Only the sign or copy area displayed on an awning shall be used to determine the permitted sign area - the entire awning shall not be included in a Sign Area calculation. Refer also to §§ 161.243 and 161.244 for visual reference examples.
   BACK-LIT AWNING. An awning comprised of covering material exhibiting the characteristic of luminosity obtained by means of a source of illumination contained within its framework.
   BANNER. A flexible substrate on which copy or graphics may be displayed.
   BANNER SIGN. A sign utilizing a banner as its display surface.
   BUILDING FAÇADE. That portion of any exterior elevation of a building extending vertically from grade to the top of a parapet wall or eaves and horizontally across the entire width of the building elevation.
   BUILDING SIGN. A sign that is applied or affixed to a building.
   CANDELA. The basic unit of measurement of light in SI (metric) units.
   CANDELA PER SQUARE METER (cd/m²). The SI (metric) unit used to describe the luminance of a light source or of an illuminated surface that reflects light. Also referred to as Nits.
   CANDLE or CANDLEPOWER. Synonymous with Candela, but in English, not SI, terms.
   CANOPY (ATTACHED). A multi-sided overhead structure or architectural projection supported by attachment to a building on one or more sides and either cantilevered from such building or also supported by columns at additional points. The surface(s) and/or soffit of an attached canopy may be illuminated by means of internal or external sources of light. Similar to a MARQUEE.
   CANOPY (FREESTANDING). A multi-sided overhead structure supported by columns, but not enclosed by walls. The surface(s) and/or soffit of a freestanding canopy may be illuminated by means of internal or external sources of light.
   CANOPY SIGN. A sign affixed to the visible surface(s) of an attached or freestanding canopy. Such signs may be internally or externally illuminated. Similar to a Marquee Sign. Refer also to §§ 161.243 and 161.244 herein for visual reference examples.
   CHANGEABLE SIGN. A sign with the capability of content change by means of manual or remote input; changeable signs include the following types:
      (1)   ELECTRICALLY ACTIVATED. Changeable sign whose message copy or content can be changed by means of remote electrically energized on-off switching combinations of alphabetic or pictographic components arranged on a display surface. Illumination may be integral to the components, such as characterized by lamps or other light-emitting devices; or it may be from an external light source designed to reflect off the changeable component display. See also: ELECTRONIC MESSAGE CENTER.
      (2)   MANUALLY ACTIVATED. Changeable sign whose message copy or content can be changed manually on a display surface.
   CLADDING. A non-structural covering designed to conceal the actual structural supports of a sign. See also POLE OR PYLON COVER.
   CONFORMING SIGN. A sign that is legally installed in conformance with all prevailing jurisdictional laws and ordinances.
   COPY. The graphic content or message of a sign.
   COPY AREA OF SIGN. The actual area of the sign copy as applied to any background. Copy area on any individual background may be expressed as the sum of the geometrically computed shape or shapes encompassing separate individual letters, words, or graphic elements on the background. See §§ 161.244 and 161.245 for computational methodology.
   DIRECTIONAL SIGN. Any sign that is designed and erected solely for the purpose of providing direction and/or orientation for pedestrian or vehicular traffic; such signs have no copy advertising a product, service, or site.
   DISPLAY TIME. The amount of time a message and/or graphic is displayed on an Electronic Message Sign.
   DISSOLVE. A mode of message transition on an Electronic Message Sign accomplished by varying the light intensity or pattern, in which the first message gradually appears to dissipate and lose legibility with the gradual appearance and legibility of the second message.
   DOUBLE-FACED SIGN. A sign with two faces, back to back.
   DYNAMIC FRAME EFFECT. An Electronic Message Sign frame effect in which the illusion of motion and/or animation is used.
   ELECTRIC SIGN. Any sign activated or illuminated by means of electrical energy.
   ELECTRONIC MESSAGE CENTER OR SIGN (EMC). An electrically activated changeable sign whose variable message and/or graphic presentation capability can be electronically programmed by computer from a remote location. Also known as an EMC. EMCs typically use light emitting diodes (LEDs) as a lighting source. (See also following terms principally associated with ELECTRONIC MESSAGE CENTERS: DISPLAY TIME, DISSOLVE, DYNAMIC FRAME EFFECT, FADE, FRAME, FRAME EFFECT, SCROLL, TRANSITION, TRAVEL.)
   EXTERIOR SIGN. Any sign placed outside a building.
   FADE. A mode of message transition on an Electronic Message Sign accomplished by varying the light intensity, where the first message gradually reduces intensity to the point of not being legible and the subsequent message gradually increases intensity to the point of legibility.
   FONT. A set of letters, numerals, symbols, or shapes conforming to a specific set of design criteria.
   FOOT CANDLE. An English unit of measurement of the amount of light falling upon a surface (illuminance). One FOOT CANDLE is equal to one lumen per square foot. Can be measured by means of an illuminance meter.
   FOOT LAMBERT. An English unit of measurement of the amount of light emitted by or reflecting off a surface (luminance) equivalent to 3.4262591 candelas per square meter.
   FRAME. A complete, static display screen on an Electronic Message Sign.
   FRAME EFFECT. A visual effect on an Electronic Message Sign applied to a single frame. See also DYNAMIC FRAME EFFECT.
   FREESTANDING SIGN. A sign principally supported by one or more columns, poles, or braces placed in or upon the ground. May also be referenced as a GROUND OR MONUMENT SIGN. Refer also to §§ 161.243 and 161.244 for visual reference examples.
   FRONTAGE (PROPERTY). The length of the property line(s) of any single premise along either a public way or other properties on which it borders.
   FRONTAGE (BUILDING). The length of an exterior building wall or structure of a single premise along either a public way or other properties that it faces.
   ILLUMINANCE. The amount of light falling upon a real or imaginary surface, commonly called LIGHT LEVEL or ILLUMINATION. Measured in foot candles (lumens/square foot) in the English system and lux (lumens/square meter) in the SI (metric) system.
   ILLUMINATED SIGN. A sign characterized by the use of artificial light, either projecting through its surface(s) [Internally or trans-illuminated]; or reflecting off its surface(s) [Externally illuminated].
   LISTED SIGN (LISTING LABEL NUMBER). A sign manufactured and labeled in accordance with specifications promulgated by a recognized testing laboratory designed to assure compliance with applicable American National Standards (ANSI) and/or the National Electric Code (NEC).
   LUMINANCE. The light that is emitted by or reflected from a surface. Measured in units of luminous intensity (candelas) per unit area (square meters in SI measurement units or square feet in English measurement units.) Expressed in SI units as cd/m², and in English units as foot lamberts. Sometimes also expressed as “nits”, a colloquial reference to SI units. Can be measured by means of a luminance meter.
   LUX. The SI (metric) unit for illuminance. One lux equals 0.093 foot candles.
   MANSARD. A roof-like façade comparable to an exterior building wall. See § 161.244 for visual reference.
   MULTIPLE-FACED SIGN. A sign containing three (3) or more faces.
   Nit. A photometric unit of measurement referring to luminance. One nit is equal to one cd/m².
   NON-CONFORMING SIGN. A sign that was legally installed by permit in conformance with all sign regulations and ordinances in effect at the time of its installation, but which no longer complies with subsequently enacted laws and ordinances having jurisdiction relative to the sign.
   NON-CONFORMING USE. A continued and lawful use of property, including a sign lawfully installed in accordance with laws or ordinances prevailing at the time of installation.
   OFF-PREMISE SIGN. A sign advertising or displaying a commercial or noncommercial message as to a business, service, product, or activity not being conducted on, sold on, manufactured on, produced on, furnished on, or available on the same property as the location of the sign.
   ON-PREMISE SIGN. A sign advertising or displaying a commercial or noncommercial message as to a business, service, product, or activity being conducted on, sold on, manufactured on, produced on, furnished on, or available on the same property as the location of the sign.
   PARAPET. The extension of a building façade above the line of the structural roof.
   POLE COVER or PYLON COVER. An enclosure designed to conceal poles and/or other structural supports of a sign. See also CLADDING.
   POLITICAL SIGN. A temporary sign intended to advance a political statement, cause, or candidate for office.
   PORTABLE SIGN. Any sign structure erected for an indefinite period not permanently attached to the ground that can be removed without the use of tools. (Temporary Signs as hereinafter defined are erected for a restricted or fixed period as provided within the Sign Regulations.)
   PROJECTING SIGN. A sign other than a Wall Sign that is attached to or projects more than eighteen (18) inches from a building face or wall or from a structure whose primary purpose is other than the support of a sign. Refer also to Section 21-126.4 for visual reference example.
   REAL ESTATE SIGN. A temporary sign advertising the sale, lease, or rental of the property or premises upon which it is located.
   ROOF LINE. The uppermost line of the roof of a building or, in the case of an extended façade or parapet, the uppermost point of said façade or parapet.
   ROOF SIGN. A sign mounted on the main roof portion of a building or on the uppermost edge of a parapet wall of a building and which is wholly or partially supported by such building. Signs mounted on mansard façades, pent eaves, and architectural projections such as canopies or marquees shall not be considered to be ROOF SIGNS. Refer also to §§ 161.243 and 161.244 for visual reference examples of ROOF SIGNS, and comparison of differences between roof and fascia signs.
   SCROLL. A mode of message transition on an Electronic Message Sign in which the message appears to move vertically across the display surface.
   SI (INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM OF UNITS). The modern metric system of measurement; abbreviated SI for the French term “Le Systeme International d’Unites.”
   SIGN. Any device whose essential purpose and design is to convey either commercial or noncommercial messages by means of graphic presentation of alphabetic or pictorial symbols or representations.
   SIGN AREA. The area of the smallest geometric figure, or the sum of the combination of regular geometric figures, which comprise the sign face. (The area of any double-sided or “V” shaped sign shall be the area of the largest single face only.) The area of a sphere shall be computed as the area of a circle. The area of all other multiple-sided signs shall be computed as fifty (50) percent of the sum of the area of all faces of the sign. See §§ 161.244 and 161.245 for computational methodology for various sign area configurations.
   SIGN COPY. The words, letters, numerals, figures, pictures, symbols, logos and graphic elements comprising the content or message of a sign.
   SIGN FACE. The surface upon, against or through which the sign copy is displayed or illustrated, not including structural supports, architectural features of a building or sign structure, nonstructural thematic or decorative trim, or any areas that are separated from the background surface upon which the sign copy is displayed by a distinct delineation, such as a reveal or border. Refer to §§ 161.244 and 161.245 for sign face computational illustrations.
      (1)   In the case of panel or cabinet type signs, the SIGN FACE shall include the entire area of the sign panel, cabinet or face substrate upon which the sign copy is displayed or illustrated, but not open space between separate panels or cabinets.
      (2)   In the case of signs painted on a building, or individual letters or graphic elements affixed to a building or structure, the SIGN FACE shall comprise the sum of the geometric figures or combination of regular geometric figures drawn closest to the edge of the letters or separate graphic elements comprising the sign copy, but not the open space between separate groupings of sign copy on the same building or structure.
      (3)   In the case of sign copy enclosed within a painted or illuminated border, or displayed on a background contrasting in color with the color of the building or structure, the SIGN FACE shall comprise the area within the contrasting background, or within the painted or illuminated border.
   SIGN STRUCTURE. Any structure designed for the support of a sign.
   SITE. The ground area legally designated as a zoning lot, which may be categorized as a permanent parcel (a lot of record), multiple lots of record, or a portion of a lot of record.
   SPECIAL EVENT SIGN. A temporary sign pertaining to any civic, patriotic, or special event of general public interest.
   TEMPORARY SIGN. A sign erected for a restricted or fixed period that is not permanently embedded in the ground or not permanently affixed to a building or not permanently affixed to a sign structure.
   TRANSITION. A visual effect used on an Electronic Message Sign to change from one message to another.
   TRAVEL. A mode of message transition on an Electronic Message Sign in which the message appears to move horizontally across the display surface.
   UNDER CANOPY SIGN or UNDER MARQUEE SIGN. A sign attached to the underside of a canopy or marquee.
   V SIGN. A sign containing two faces of equal size, positioned at an interior angle subtending less than one hundred seventy-nine degrees (179°) at the point of juncture of the individual faces.
   WALL OR FASCIA SIGN. A sign that is in any manner affixed to any exterior wall of a building or structure and that projects not more than eighteen (18) inches from the building or structure wall. Also includes signs affixed to architectural projections that project from a building provided the copy area of such signs remains on a parallel plane to the face of the building façade or to the face or faces of the architectural projection to which it is affixed. Refer also to §§ 161.243 and 161.244 for visual reference examples, and comparison examples of differences between WALL OR FASCIA SIGNS and roof signs.
   WINDOW SIGN. A sign affixed to or placed adjacent to the surface of a window with its copy visible to the exterior environment.
(Prior Code, Art. 21, § 21-126.3) (Ord. 2023-13, passed 3-6-2023)