§ 161.313 F-P FLOOD PLAIN.
   (A)   F-P Land Use District Statement of Intent. It is the intent of this district to delineate reasonable high water marks within the jurisdiction of this ordinance. For reasons of health, safety and the general welfare, it is in the public interest to permit only limited types of uses within these areas which are subject to flooding and require emergency services. A factor recognized in determining reasonable high water marks is that as urban land use increases, storm water runoff will also tend to increase, consequently taxing the water carrying capacity of certain low lying areas within the jurisdiction of this ordinance. The development of roads, streets, highways, water and sewer lines are discouraged in this district, as such improvements would tend to encourage further developments.
   (B)   NOTES. For Sign Regulations see §§ 161.240 through 161.258 of this Ordinance.
      (1)   Building and enclosed pens for livestock, fowl and animals shall not be closer than 200’ from any adjoining district.
      (2)   Principal, accessory buildings and operations shall not be closer than 500’ from any adjoining parcel.
      (3)   See State Law.   
   (C)   Schedule of District Regulations.
      (1)   Permitted Principal Uses and Structures.
         (a)   Agriculture and Customary Agricultural buildings and structures. See Note (1).
         (b)   Parks & Playgrounds.
         (c)   Airport or Heliport. See Note (3).
         (d)   Stadium or Coliseum. See Note (2).
         (e)   Horse or Auto race track. See Note (1).
         (f)   Essential Services.
         (g)   One artificial lake of 3 acres or less.
         (h)   Wireless communication facility placed on existing nonresidential structure as described within §§ 161.365 through 161.378.
         (i)   Non-Commercial Solar Energy Facility- see Chapter 160 of the Revised Code.
      (2)   Permitted Accessory Uses and Structures.
         (a)   Accessory uses and structures incidental to permitted uses and structures and on the same parcel.
         (b)   One artificial lake of 3 acres or less.
      (3)   Conditional Uses. After notice & appropriate safeguards, the City Council may permit as Conditional Uses:
         (a)   Accessory uses of permitted principal uses in adjoining districts (such as parking lots, golf courses, etc.) and which are compatible with the statement of intent for this district.
         (b)   Freestanding wireless communication facility as described within §§ 161.365 through 161.378.
         (c)   May be used to meet area requirements of adjoining districts if on the same parcel.
         (d)   Drive In Theater.
         (e)   More than one artificial lake of 3 acres or less.
         (f)   Artificial lake of 3 or more acres depending on recommendation of qualified agricultural engineer.
         (g)   If it can demonstrated to the City Council that such land is or may be adequately drained and that the water table elevation will permit successful utilization of the land, and if a hydraulic study is submitted from a qualified hydraulic engineer providing the proposed use will not impede the flow of water nor increase the flow velocity onto downstream properties, a permit may be granted for a use which is compatible, contiguous and subject to the regulations governing the adjoining district(s). Adequate drainage and necessary supporting structures shall be installed prior to the use & occupancy of the land.
         (h)   Mineral extractive operations outside corporate limits, including but not limited to: coal, oil, rock, gravel, sand and the related processing operations, storing and sale of such materials. (2)
      (4)   Prohibited Uses. Any use more appropriate to another zone or zones including, but not limit to:
         (a)   Residential Dwellings farm or non-farm.
         (b)   Commercial structures.
         (c)   Industrial Structures except mineral extractions.
         (d)   Railroads.
         (e)   Mobile Homes.
         (f)   Travel Trailers.
         (g)   Landfills.
         (h)   Filling to raise the area above high water elevation.
         (i)   Mineral extractive operations within corporate limits.
         (j)   Equipment Terminal, Truck Terminal, Truck Stop.
      (5)   Minimum lot area; Minimum yards (all buildings); Minimum floor area (principal buildings); Maximum height (all buildings); Maximum floor area ratio (all buildings).
         (a)   MIN. LOT AREA: 4 acres, except for: parks and playgrounds, in which case 1 acre; Heliports, 2 acres.
         (b)   MIN. LOT WIDTH: 200’.
         (c)   MIN. FRONT YARD DEPTH: 60’.
         (d)   MIN. REAR YARD DEPTH: 60’ MIN.
         (e)   SIDE YARD WIDTH: 30’.
         (f)   MIN. FLOOR AREA: 1000 Sq. Ft.
         (g)   MAX. HEIGHT: 40’.
         (h)   MAX. STORIES: 3.
         (i)   MAX. FLOOR AREA RATIO: N/A.
      (6)   Minimum off-street parking & loading.
land use
parking spaces
loading spaces
      (7)   Permitted uses and conditional uses if permitted are subject to the Planning Commission. Consideration shall be given to recommendation of administrative official.
(Prior Code, Art. 21, § 21-300) (Ord. 2023-30, passed 8-21-2023)