Planned unit developments for districts R1 and R2 shall be defined as building or group of buildings situated on land which is under single ownership or unified control and which is wholly residential in nature. Planned unit developments for this district shall further meet the following criteria:
   (A)   Wholly residential development may be permitted a waiver of lot area, yard requirements and height restrictions, providing: The general intent of the district is not circumvented; consideration is given to adjoining property; adequate vehicle circulation and off- street parking meeting the requirements of the regulations for this district are provided; the density of development does not exceed the density as indicated in the statement of intent for the district; covenants to provide maintenance of commonly owned land and any improvements or facilities thereon are found to be acceptable to the City Council.
   (B)   Accessory uses including, but not limited to swimming pools, tennis courts, golf courses, community centers and other recreational uses will be permitted, but shall be limited to the residents of the planned unit development and subject to their control. Any such accessory uses shall not be of a commercial nature which are open to the general public.
   (C)   Planned unit developments shall also meet the requirements or the intent of the requirements of the Subdivision Regulations. Development may be staged, permits issued for each stage.
   (D)   The granting of a conditional use permit for a planned unit development shall be valid for a period of 12 months from date of approval. If substantial progress has not been made toward exercising the permit it shall become null and void.
(Prior Code, Art. 21, § 21-201)