The Zoning and Planning Commission shall consist of five (5) members, all residents of the City; each member shall be appointed for a 5-year term, with the terms to be determined from a beginning date of January 1, 2020. Members shall serve until replaced or reappointed. In the event a vacancy or late appointment occurs, replacement shall be for the unexpired term only. The Mayor, with the advice and consent of the City Council shall appoint the membership and shall designate the Chairman who shall serve in such capacity until a vacancy in his term of appointment exists. The City Engineer shall serve as an advisor and as an ex-officio member without a vote. Members of the Zoning and Planning Commission may be removed for cause after a public hearing; cause shall include, but shall not be limited to, the failure to attend two consecutive meetings or four meetings during any 12-month period. The Zoning and Planning Commission shall perform the duties of the Zoning Board of Appeals as hereinafter set forth.
(Prior Code, Art. 21, § 21-111.1)