§ 161.070 TEMPORARY USE.
   (A)   In all Zoning Classification Districts a contractor may use a shipping container for the temporary housing of equipment and materials during active and actual construction of an improvement that is subject to and authorized by a City building permit until the contractor’s construction is completed or a certificate of occupancy for the improvement is issued, whichever is sooner; provided that in no event shall a shipping container remain upon a property without a valid unexpired permit for said shipping container; said temporary use shall be subject to the following:   
      (1)   The shipping container may be placed only after a temporary permit has first been issued by the Building Inspector; said Temporary Permit for the placement of a shipping container may only be issued in conjunction with a Building Permit for the construction site where the shipping container is to be placed.
      (2)   The temporary shipping container permit shall be valid for a period of one calendar year from the date of issuance or until the associated Building Permit expires or a certificate of occupancy is issued for the improvement subject of the Building Permit, whichever first occurs.
      (3)   The temporary shipping container shall not be placed within the public right-of-way, and shall not be placed in such a manner as to obstruct or impair the free and full use of the sidewalk or street by the public, or obstruct the view of pedestrians or users of vehicles thereon or interfere with the wires, poles or fixtures lawfully maintained thereon.
      (4)   The temporary shipping container may only be placed upon the construction site associated with the active Building Permit.
      (5)   The temporary shipping container must be placed a minimum of five feet away from all adjacent property lines and public rights-of-way.
      (6)   Temporary shipping containers shall not be stacked.
      (7)   The temporary shipping container must be secured at night time and maintained in good condition.
   (B)   A shipping container, temporarily upon a property, actively and actually used for the transport, shipping, or hauling of materials or goods in relation to a lawful use upon a property within an industrial or business zoned district shall not be considered an accessory structure; however, no such temporary period for a shipping container shall exceed 30 days.
(Prior Code, Art. 21, § 21-109.9)