(A)   I-2 Land Use District Statement of Intent. This district is established to provide space for industrial and/or manufacturing and/or warehousing or storage operations which may require buildings and/or open area for fabricating, processing, extraction, repairing, dismantling or disposal or equipment, raw materials, manufactured products or wastes. Land designated for this district should be located in relation to the thoroughfare network of the community (including primarily streets as well as rail and air if required) and designed so as to not wholly disrupt normal traffic flow. Because of increasing technological developments, extensive lists of permitted and prohibited uses is impractical, therefore, to safeguard the public interest, performance standards are established herein as criteria for all permitted uses and as guidance for the City Council in permitting any conditional uses. Planned Industrial Parks are encouraged in this district.
   (B)   NOTES.
      (1)   For Sign Regulations see §§ 161.240 through 161.258 of this Ordinance.
      (2)   See Performance Standards for I-2 District.
      (3)   The City Council may permit as Conditional Use: Automobile Wrecking & Storage Yards if the following conditions are met in addition to the Performance Standards of I-2 District:
         (a)   Use permitted not closer than 300’ to a residential use or residential zone.
         (b)   Solid wall or solid painted fence eight (8) feet high.
         (c)   Parking not permitted closer than 300’ to a residential use or residential zone.
         (d)   Two (2) off-street loading spaces required. May not face on bordering street or highway.
         (e)   One (1) principal entrance only.
         (f)   Outdoor lighting shall be approved by the City Council.
      (4)   Principal and Accessory Uses and Structures are permitted if the performance standards for this district (2) are met and certified as being met by a registered professional engineer of the State of Illinois. Standards of the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency must also be met.
   (C)   Schedule of District Regulations.
      (1)   Permitted Principal Uses and Structures and Accessory Uses and Structures.
         (a)   Principal and Accessory Uses and Structures are permitted if the performance standards for this district (2) are met and certified as being met by a registered professional engineer of the State of Illinois. Standards of the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency must also be met.
         (b)   Wireless Communication Facility placed on an existing nonresidential structure as described within §§ 161.365 through 161.378.
         (c)   Accessory Uses and Structures may include a Truck or Equipment Terminal, but only with a Conditional Use Permit, as an accessory use customarily incidental to a permitted principal use on the same parcel.
         (d)   Commercial Solar Energy Facility - see Chapter 160 of the Revised Code of Ordinances.
         (e)   Non-Commercial Solar Energy Facility- see Chapter 160 of the Revised Code.
      (2)   Conditional Uses. After notice & appropriate safeguards, the City Council may permit as Conditional Uses:
         (a)   Automobile Wrecking & Storage Yards. See Note (3).
         (b)   Mineral extractive operations outside corporate limits, including but not limited to: coal, oil, rock, gravel, sand, and the related processing operations, storing, and sale of such materials.
         (c)   Wireless Communication Freestanding Wireless Communication Facility as described within §§ 161.365 through 161.378.
         (d)   Truck Terminal or Equipment Terminal, but only as an accessory use to a Permitted Use.
         (e)   Cannabis Craft Grower or Cannabis Cultivation Center (must be 1500 feet distance between each use as measured from each property line).
         (f)   Cannabis Infuser Organization or Infuser; Cannabis Processing Organization or Processor; Cannabis Transporting Organization or Transporter.   
      (3)   Prohibited Uses. Any use more appropriate to another zone or zones including, but not limited to:
         (a)   Residential uses of any kind including dwelling units, hotels, motels, mobile homes, etc.
         (b)   Schools, churches, clubs, lodges, hospitals.
         (c)   Abandoned Automobile.
         (d)   Kennel.
         (e)   Truck Stop.
         (f)   Mineral Extractive Operations within corporate limits.
      (4)   Minimum lot area; Minimum yards (all buildings); Minimum floor area (principal buildings); Maximum height (all buildings); Maximum floor area ratio (all buildings).
         (a)   MIN. LOT AREA: 1 acre.
         (b)   MIN. LOT WIDTH: 100’.
         (c)   MIN. FRONT YD. DEPTH: 50’.
         (d)   MIN. REAR YD. DEPTH: 50’.
         (e)   MIN. SIDE YD. WIDTH: 50’.
         (f)   MIN. FLOOR AREA: 1,000 Sq. Ft.
         (g)   MAX. HEIGHT: As determined by F.A.R.
         (h)   MAX. STORIES: As determined by F.A.R.
         (i)   MAX. FLOOR AREA RATIO: .50.
      (5)   Minimum off-street parking & loading.
land use
parking spaces
loading spaces
         (a)   Graded, paved, marked, lighted, and drained off-street parking and loading areas shall be provided as follows:
            1.   a.   For industrial or manufacturing operations - 1 auto parking space per (a) two employees of combined employment of two largest successive shifts, or (b) two employees if only one shift operation; plus 1 auto parking space equal to 15% of the above for visitors and company vehicles.
               b.   Minimum of 1 off-street loading space. Additional off- street loading space may be required by the nature and size of anticipated operations.
            2.   For non-industrial or manufacturing operations as required in more restricted district(s).
            3.   Common parking and loading areas provided parking requirements for all uses are met.
(Prior Code, Art. 21, § 21-300) (Ord. 2023-30, passed 8-21-2023)