General Provisions
   52.01   Removing municipal water utility from jurisdiction of State Utility Regulatory Commission
   52.02   Rates
Water Use Rules
   52.15   Definitions
   52.16   Rules and regulations on file
   52.17   Written application or contract required
   52.18   Modification of contract
   52.19   Assignment of contract
   52.20   Deposits
   52.21   Turning on water service
   52.22   Payment of bills
   52.23   Discontinuance of service
   52.24   Service applications
   52.25   Service connection
   52.26   Maintenance of service pipes and meter boxes
   52.27   Inside piping and service lines
   52.28   Cross-connection
   52.29   Use of booster pump
   52.30   Access to premises
   52.31   Metering
   52.32   Basis for billing
   52.33   Denial or discontinuance of service for cause
   52.34   Notification of load increase
   52.35   Resale of water
   52.36   Private fire protection service
   52.37   Interruption of service
   52.38   Water main extension policy
   52.39   Obtaining a permit
   52.40   Service charge
   52.41   Abandoned service lines
   52.42   Inability to read meter
   52.43   Temporary water service
   52.44   Swimming pools
   52.45   After hours work
   52.46   Right to change policy
   52.47   Appeal and requests
   52.48   Water rationing emergency
   52.49   Tax exempt status
   52.50   Administrative codes
   52.51   Role of the Clerk-Treasurer
   Appendix A: Schedule of Water Rates for Customers Inside Corporate Boundaries
   Appendix B: Schedule of Water Rates for Customers Outside Corporate Boundaries