(A)   All service pipes shall be type “K” copper from the water main to the water meter setting and three feet beyond the water meter pit. In order to provide a stable meter setting for outside residential meters, the outlet from the water meter shall be a minimum of three-quarter I.D type copper for a distance of three feet. No service pipe shall be less than three-quarters of an inch I.D. The utility shall inspect all new types of service connections.
   (B)   The utility reserves the right to determine the placement of each service connection so that the curb stop or water meter pit will, as a general rule, be located between the present or proposed sidewalk and curb, or at such other location as, in the judgment of the utility, will provide a safe, more convenient, or more satisfactory location for the curb stop or water meter pit. The customer at his or her own expense is responsible for construction of the service line from the water meter setting to the premises.
   (C)   All tap connections that are two inches I.D. or greater shall have plans and specifications submitted along with the application for approval by the Board of Public Works and Safety.
   (D)   Service pipes, curb stops, service boxes, water meter pits, stop and waste valves, and other fixtures used in the installation of, repairs to, or additions to service pipes shall be of a type and quality approved by the utility’s standards.
   (E)   Water service shall not be furnished through a single pipe to more than one property. Under unusual or exceptional conditions, the utility may waive this rule if the circumstances require.
   (F)   In a case where a service has been installed prior to the adoption of, and is not in accordance with, these general rules and regulations, where water is being taken through a single curb stop to supply two or more premises, each customer benefitting from such arrangement shall be responsible for the payment of his or her own water bill and other legitimate charges.
   (G)   A new service pipe between the distribution main and a building shall be run in a direct line whenever it is practicable and possible without bends and at a depth of not less than four and one-half feet. No pipe having joints shall be driven. Service pipes shall not be laid in the same trench with wastewater lines or any other conduit.
   (H)   New service lines shall be connected directly to a water distribution main, which is immediately adjacent to the property requesting service. If an adequate distribution main is not available immediately adjacent to the property requesting service, it will be necessary for the property owner to petition for a water main extension in accordance with § 52.38.
(Ord. 1-2021, passed 6-22-2021) 2014) Penalty, see § 10.99