For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   BOARD. The Board of Public Works and Safety of the city, or any duly authorized officials acting on its behalf; the administrative governing body of the city’s public utilities.
   CUSTOMER. Any person, firm, corporation, municipality, or other government agent who has an application approved and is responsible for the water bill.
      (1)   Application for water service where the premises are occupied by a tenant, the utility requires, based upon information on the application, the owner and/or management company (who’s name has been furnished on the landlord registry) shall furnish a rental agreement and such agreement shall state that the tenant is responsible for each charge of water, wastewater, stormwater, and sanitation, including fire protection. The billing clerk is responsible, along with the Utility Superintendent, to verify that all information on the application is correct and that the rental agreement has required information. Such must be clearly stated in a rental agreement, ownership, it shall be verified by checking with the County Recorder’s office, which shall match the information on the agreement form.
      (2)   In cases where the tenant is receiving a city utility bill, both the tenant and the real property owner shall follow all required city utility ordinances.
      (3)   Any owner of rental property shall be registered as a landlord in the city.
      (4)   In some situations, a renter and landlord may be on file as a customer, for some properties.
   DEPOSITS. Money placed to entrust as a pledge of payment of utilities, where such is used or not and remain on file as long as the customer has said utility.
   MASTER METER. One water meter, normally five-eighths’ by three-fourths’ of an inch, or one inch, serving more than one residential unit with one meter.
   NON-RECURRING CHARGES. A cost that is set within the rate study/ordinance, or the ordinance reflecting such cost.
   PREMISES. A dwelling, building, structure, or parcel of real state, which is normally supplied through a separate service pipe and meter installation.
   PRIVATE FIRE SERVICE. A privately owned arrangement of pipes, fixtures, and devices designed for stand-by service and from which water is taken only for extinguishment of fires.
   REAL PROPERTY OWNER. The actual owner(s) of the property, as recorded in the County Assessor’s office.
   RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY UNIT. A building under one roof designed, arranged, and used primarily for dwelling purposes by a single family used for living, sleeping, or other occupancy associated with residential uses.
   SHALL. The act referred to is mandatory
   STANDARD METHODS. The examination and analytical procedures set forth in the most recent edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, published by the American Public Health Association, the American Water Works Association and the Water Pollution Control Federation.
   UTILITY. The city water UTILITY is owned by the city, operated and managed by the Board of Public Works and Safety, and engaged in furnishing public water supply service in the city and its environs.
   UTILITY ENGINEER. An engineer representing the Board of Public Works and Safety or their duly authorized representative.
   UTILITY SUPERINTENDENT. The superintendent of all utilities in the general supervision of all utilities overseeing the operations of efficient and economical operation and maintenance of the utilities, construction work, repairs, or alterations to the systems, and shall advise the Board of Public Works and Safety on all matters that will bring about an efficient and economical operation and maintenance of the utility, or their duly authorized representative.
   WATER OPERATOR. The water operator of the water pollution control plant or water distribution system of the city, or his or her duly authorized representative.
   WATER SERVICE PIPE. A supply pipe, including fittings, leading from the tap in the distribution main to or into the premises supplied or to be supplied.
   WATER TAP or CORPORATION STOP. A fitting owned by the utility and inserted into the distribution main to which the service pipe is attached.
(Ord. 1-2021, passed 6-22-2021)