(A)   Service at the address may not be resumed or put in any other name until any/all outstanding water charges have been paid in full and a new application/contract has been approved.
   (B)   (1)   Customers who have past due water bills or a hardship plan in paying their bill may establish a regular payment schedule for their past due or hardship situation to avoid disconnect. An application shall be completely filled out and forwarded to the Board of Public Works and Safety for approval.
      (2)   The Board of Public Works and Safety may require the applicant to appear at the meeting prior to approval, and may allow less that a ten-month time period for repayment. The customer shall agree to pay 10% of the original unpaid balance, above their regular monthly bill for each month or less time until all arrears are paid in full. The customer can pay the entire past charges at any time during this time period. If the customer does not pay the agreed to amount, the utility shall terminate the water service to said property.
      (3)   The water shall not be turned back on until the outstanding bill and penalties are paid in full. There will be no interest charge on any payment plan. Under unusual circumstances, the Board may rewrite a plan or grant additional time. If a tenant of said property is requesting such a plan the owner of said property must approve in writing to let tenant have an extended payment plan. In no way does such an agreement relieve the property owner of the responsibility in payment of any due wastewater, stormwater utility bills. The Board of Public Works and Safety may make special exceptions if it is in the best interest of the utility and the customer. The real property owner may not have water disconnected except for emergency repair.
   (C)   Customers vacating premises must give written notice to the water office in order that the water may be turned off. Such forms may be online for customers, or the customer will be held responsible for the water bill until such notice is given. Landlords are responsible for unpaid wastewater, stormwater, and trash for their rentals. The landlord can request to be notified when a renter of their property is not paying the utility bill.
(Ord. 1-2021, passed 6-22-2021)