§ 52.31 METERING.
   (A)   Unless otherwise specified in the contract between the utility and the customer or by the tariff on file, the water supplied will be measured by a water meter or water meters of standard manufacture, furnished and installed by the utility in force and effect as amended from time to time. The customer shall provide for this purpose, free from expense to the utility, a suitable place near the service entrance and as close as possible to the property line water meter pit location, which is approved by the utility before installation.
   (B)   The utility shall designate the size of the water meter to be used for serving any customer. Each building to be served directly from the main must be supplied by at least a three-quarter-inch I.D. service line. When the service line is larger than this, the utility reserves the right to designate the number of water meters that can be supplied by such service line.
   (C)   All water meters or other appliances and equipment which are furnished by and at the expense of the utility and which may at any time be at/or on the customer’s premises shall, unless otherwise expressly provided herein, be and remain the property of the utility. The customer shall protect such property from freezing and from any loss or damage. No one except a representative of the utility shall be permitted to remove such property or tamper therewith.
   (D)   (1)   Ordinary repairs will be made by the utility without expense to the customer. Repairs of damage caused by carelessness or neglect by the customer will also be made by the utility, but the cost of such repairs will be charged to the customer.
      (2)   The utility reserves the right to turn the water service to the property for failure to pay such costs.
   (E)   A water meter will be tested for accuracy if the customer requests it. If the test establishes the accuracy of the water meter to be within 98% and 102%, the utility shall make a test free during a 12- month period. Additional tests will charge the customer $25. The customer may have a representative present when the water meter is tested.
   (F)   (1)   A data log shall be created by the water utility when a customer uses an excess of 50% of the customer above average water usage.
      (2)   A customer may request a data log be created for their review or copied for a purpose of checking for a leak or when high usage occurs at customers property such logs may be done no more than two per 12-month period or an additional charge often $10 per such date after a second log. The utility office shall maintain records of all logs at each service address.
   (G)   A permanent record of each meter shall be kept owned by the utility listing the year of the purchase, its identification record of each test date general result of test, number of data logs recorded of such meter and if meter any part replaced or meter is cleaned.
   (H)   Ordinary repairs to meter shall be made by the utility without expense to the customer. Anytime a meter has been repaired or replaced, the customer shall sign a copy of the utility work order indicating the service had been provided and the current readings have been verified.
   (I)   Meter repairs and/or replacement necessitated through customer neglect or negligence shall be charged to the responsible customer. Customers may be held responsible for cost of repair for both materials and labor.
   (J)   In order to not be charged for sewage because of water usage due to sprinkling, the Board of Public Works and Safety has established the following policy, if a customer installs an automatic sprinkling system, with a water meter, the customer shall be billed for water only that is used by the sprinkling system, all other water used on premises shall be billed for water and sewage. Said sprinkling system must be equipped with a water meter setting and said setting is to be inspected and approved by the utility insuring that it is installed properly. The customer shall be responsible for all installation and connection costs. The customer shall be responsible for notifying the Utility Department to turn on and off the water for seasonal service. The property owner shall maintain the sprinkler system.
(Ord. 1-2021, passed 6-22-2021) Penalty, see § 10.99