(A)   For a request to dispute a disconnect, a customer has the right to request a hearing before the Board of Public Works and Safety, during which a customer may be represented in person or by counsel, or by any other person of the customer’s choosing. Such request needs to be filed in writing of notice of appeal form during normal business hours five days prior to hearings. All hearings shall be on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. At 6:00 p.m. at the Common Council room, unless there is a change of venue due to reasons beyond the city’s control. If the customer fails to file a timely appeal, the appeal will not be considered.
   (B)   Appeals may also be filed for any charges the customer feels are unfair such as deposits, late charges, or charges for labor and materials. All appeals must follow the procedure of division (A) above.
   (C)   Any customer may be aggrieved by any charge or determination by the utility may request and shall be granted the right to appeal.
   (D)   Customers may request a dialog five with the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer who will hold a conference with the customer which may bring two additional people to the conference. The conference will discuss the process of meter reading, billing, data logging report, leak repair, water conservation tips, and the like.
(Ord. 1-2021, passed 6-22-2021)