(A)   The service pipe and fixtures from the water main to and including the water meter pit shall be maintained in good repair at the expense of the utility, including replacements, if necessary, because of damage, corrosion, tuberculation or other deterioration. If the customer makes replacement necessary due to increased demand, such replacement shall be at the customer’s expense.
   (B)   The service pipe and fixtures from the water meter pit to the building served shall be maintained at the expense of the customer or owner of the property. The owner of the property shall repair any leaks or other defects in the same. A service line main extended to property not adjacent to a utility water main, whether through public or private property, shall be maintained by the customer or owner unless such line or main has been accepted in writing for maintenance by the utility. Any extension shall be recorded at office of the County Recorder. A city permit may be required.
   (C)   In the event that the water meter for any property served by the utility is located inside of a building upon the property, the owner of the property shall be responsible for any and all maintenance and repairs to the service pipes and fixtures for such property from the point at which at the curb stop is located nearest to the point of entrance to the building contains the water meter for such property and thereafter into and throughout such building.
(Ord. 1-2021, passed 6-22-2021)