(A)   Notification of desire for service discontinuance.
      (1)   Whenever a customer desires to have service discontinued, the customer shall notify the utility, in writing using forms, of such desire and of the date on which service is to be discontinued three working days in advance of such date to provide time for the utility to obtain the final meter reading and complete the required disconnect forms. Disconnect shall occur during the normal business hours of 7:30 a.m. up to 3:00 p.m. After hours, weekend, or holidays may be requested for a fee. Customers shall complete the required disconnect forms.
      (2)   There will be no statement of charges in whole or in part by reason of the extended service of the customer or for any other cause unless the utility has been notified to turn off the water.
   (B)   Customer/real property owner. A customer/real property owner shall not request water disconnection due to a problem with a tenant.
      (1)   A customer or the real property owner may request the utility to temporarily disconnect water service without charge, during regular working hours, a maximum of two times in any one week for the purpose of repair. A service charge will be assessed for each call in excess of two per week. Said charge shall be $25. Customers/real property owners are required to have shut-off vales installed as outlined in § 52.27.
      (2)   In order to pay for the maintenance of the water plant, meters, lines, and the like, there shall be a monthly minimum charge based on the size of the water meter servicing the property whether any water is used or not, unless the customer or a court order request water to be turned off.
      (3)   After the final reading and a final bill has been issued and when the water has been terminated by the utility at the service address, no charge will occur for water, however, such shall be recorded as approved lost water.
   (C)   Real estate agency, lien holder, or new deeded owner; (standby service).
      (1)   A real estate agency, a lien holder, or a new deeded property owner may have the water turned on one time for the purpose of testing or demonstrating the integrity of the water lines. A short application must be completed for this service. They city shall charge $25 for standby service to perform this type of test.
      (2)   The standby service will include turning on the water service, providing someone that is 18 years of age is present to attest to inside leakage, for a period of one-hour period. If the property needs a meter reinstalled, an additional charge of $25 charged. If there is a no show for a standby check and an additional request is submitted, another payment of $25 is required. At the end of such test, the utility shall lock the water meter.
      (3)   If a real estate agent, lien holder, or a new deeded property owner requests that the water service be left on, then a full application/contract shall be signed and the full deposit as stated in the rate ordinance and an account will be opened.
   (D)   Rental property.
      (1)   The deeded property owner must be informed any hardship extended payment plans if they are requested by the renter. Both renter and customer known as the owner of the real property has recorded, such a deed may be held by others who have financial interest in said property. The real property owner has the right to review customer usage and billings.
      (2)   The real property owner, once a renter vacates a rental unit, may assume the responsibility for minimum water (unless water has been disconnected). The property shall always pay for a minimum wastewater, stormwater and sanitation. After 30 days, an inactive meter charge shall occur.
      (3)   If the property owner was to transfer, and/or sell the real property and the renter owned an outstanding utility bill at the time the utility shall forward the past due bill to the collection agency and water shall be discontinued at such address.
      (4)   A utility deposit, as stated in the ordinance, must be maintained at the utility billing office on order to keep water service on at the property. The renter deposit will be used toward any unpaid balance due on a utility bill and the customer which is the real property owner as recorded at the County Auditor’s office.
      (5)   There shall be a charge for inactive meters after 30 days.
(Ord. 1-2021, passed 6-22-2021)