(A)   The Volunteer Fire Department is the preferred method of filling swimming pools for a water customer, for a donation to the Fire Department. Following the pool ordinance, the customer shall pay at the going rate for water to fill pool. The billing office shall complete all paperwork and forward to the Fire Department who will schedule the fill. The billing office shall then bill the customer for the water used to fill the pool. The filling process shall be metered by the Fire Department. If the customer elects to fill the pool themselves, they will be billed for the applicable water/sewage rates that apply to the amount of gallons used.
   (B)   The Volunteer Fire Departments shall not be held liable for any damage that may occur as a result of filling a customer’s own pool as the filling of your pool is used as a training project for the Department.
   (C)   Any resident who wishes to have their pool filled must be in good standing with the utility company. They must not have any previous balance on any account with the city. If the resident wanting to have their pool filled is found to be in arrears of a utility bill, they will not be eligible to have it filled until their bill is paid in full.
(Ord. 11-2020, passed 6-9-2020; Ord. 1-2021, passed 6-22-2021)