(A)   Policy. The city shall follow the required main extension rules as referred in General Assembly passed House Enrolled Act 1131 (I.C. 8-1-2-101.5) of June 30, 2020, which requires the city water utility to comply with extension rules of the IURC or as may be amended such rules are on file in the utility office and/or the office of the Clerk-Treasurer.
      (1)   (a)   The city water utility is required to follow main extension rules even when the utility has withdrawn from matters under I.C. 8-1-5-3-9 or 8-1-3-9.1.
         (b)   The extension rules after June 30, 2020 covers such as the original depositor with refunds being required for ten years from the date the main was completed, all refunds go to the original depositor.
         (c)   A three-year revenue allowance is required to be calculated by the utility for each connection to the main. The cost of a main larger than necessary, the city water utility shall bare such cost.
      (2)   The utility shall charge a separate tap fee, such fees are not to be included in the main extension cost. The tap fee schedule is under a general ordinance and may be amended by the Common Council. The City Board of Public Works and Safety shall work with all involved necessary to ensure the main extension rules are carried out with applicant. All water main extensions shall obtain a required easement, size of such shall be designed and obtained by engineering.
   (B)   Connection charges.
      (1)   Extension above fee limit; refunds.
         (a)   Refund provision.
            1.   The contract between the utility and the original petitioners shall provide that any person who did not share the original cost of the extension and who wishes to use the extension within a period of 15 years from the date of the acceptance of such extension shall be required to pay a fair and proportionate share of the original cost of the extension.
            2.   The amount of the share collected from such new customer shall be based on a fixed connection charge as follows.
Tap Size
Connection Fee
Tap Size
Connection Fee
3/4-inch connection
1-inch connection
1-1/2- inch connection
2-inch connection
2-1/2-inch connection
3-inch connection
4-inch connection
6-inch connection
8-inch connection
            3.   The above fees do not include any expense (such as the connection cost) that the city may charge for work they perform.
            4.   This additional share shall be refunded equitably to the original petitioner(s) annually or more frequently at the discretion of the utility. The total amount refunded shall not exceed the amount of the petitioner(s) original cost of the extension.
      (2)   Extension above fee limit; additional extensions.
         (b)   Lateral extensions.
            1.   The utility may connect additional water mains to an extension without incurring any financial obligations to persons sharing the cost of the financial obligations to persons sharing the cost of the extension. However, the utility shall not permit a prospective customer whose property is contiguous to the extension to obtain service from an additional extension installed laterally from said extension until the customer pays proportionate share of the cost of the extension.
            2.   The utility shall collect in advance from the owner of such property a fixed connection charge as follows.
Tap Size
Connection Fee
Tap Size
Connection Fee
3/4-inch connection
1-inch connection
1-1/2-inch connection
2-inch connection
2-1/2-inch connection
3-inch connection
4-inch connection
6-inch connection
8-inch connection
            3.   This additional lateral connection fee shall be refunded to the original depositors annually or more frequently at the discretion of the utility. The total amount refunded shall not exceed the original cost of the extension.
(Ord. 8-2014, passed - -2014; Ord. 1-2021, passed 6- 22-2021)