General Provisions
   118.01   Definitions
   118.02   Operation by nonpermit-holders prohibited
   118.03   Operation by minors or illegal aliens prohibited
   118.04   Persons of disreputable character
   118.05   Suspension and revocation of permits
Vehicles for Hire; Permit
   118.20   Public convenience and necessity hearing
   118.21   Taxi and limousine permit required
   118.22   Application
   118.23   Action of City Council
   118.24   Issuance
   118.25   Permits nontransferable
   118.26   Posting of permit
   118.27   Duration of permit; renewal
   118.28   Revocation of permit
   118.29   Insurance required
   118.30   Ad valorem taxes
   118.31   Rendering taxicabs for ad valorem taxes
   118.32   Franchise fee
Driver's Permit
   118.40   Permit required; exceptions
   118.41   Applications
   118.42   Driver permit fee
   118.43   Denial
   118.44   Issuance
   118.45   Transfer
   118.46   Expiration
   118.47   Exhibition of permit required
   118.48   Revocation
   118.49   Appeal
Operating Restrictions
   118.60   Rates to be posted
   118.61   Receipt to be given to passenger
   118.62   Unlawful to refuse to convey at rate posted
   118.63   Property left in vehicles
   118.64   Chief of Police to keep record of all articles
   118.65   Cruising in search of passengers prohibited
   118.66   Soliciting transportation at bus depots
   118.67   Vehicles at taxi stands
   118.68   Operators must be owners or employees
   118.69   Transporting prostitutes prohibited
   118.70   Name of company painted on vehicles
   118.71   Most direct route
   118.72   Owners to keep accurate records
   118.73   Refusal to pay legal fare unlawful
   118.74   Operation of vehicles longer than 12 hours
   118.75   Collecting passengers
   118.76   Maximum fares
   118.98   Civil remedies
   118.99   Penalty