(A)   Contents of application. Any applicant for a taxicab or limousine permit other than for renewals as hereinafter provided shall make application in writing accompanied by a financial statement and showing whether the applicant has ever been convicted in any court for any offense under any city or state or federal law and such application shall be signed and sworn to by the applicant. Such additional information as the Council may require shall be furnished. Such application shall be considered at the second regular meeting of the Council following the filing of the application and all interested parties shall be heard by the Council at such meeting. In all such hearings the burden of proof shall be upon the applicant to establish by clear, cogent, and convincing evidence that the public convenience and necessity require such operation of the vehicle or vehicles for which the application has been made. (Renewal permits will be issued upon oral application made to the City Secretary by the holder of the permit of the previous year.) Any falsification of answers on such application shall be cause for disapproval of an application or immediate cancellation of any permit issued.
   (B)   Number of cabs. At the time the applicant places his application with the City Secretary he must state the number of cabs he desires to have permits issued for. Upon issuance, the City Council shall issue a permit by taxicab, or by company and such franchise fees will be applicable as stated in this chapter under § 118.32.
(Ord. 94-36, passed 8-23-94)