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   (a)   It is presumed that the registered owner of the motor vehicle that is the subject of the administrative hearing is the person who parked or stopped the vehicle at the time and place of the offense charged.
   (b)   A state department of highways and public transportation computer-generated record of the registered vehicle is prima facie evidence of its contents in an administrative adjudication hearing under this article.
   (c)   The operator of a vehicle who is not the registered owner but has the express or implied permission to operate the vehicle is considered the registered owner’s agent and is authorized to receive and contest a parking citation.
   (d)   A registered vehicle owner is not liable for a violation subject to this article if:
      (1)   The vehicle operator, not the registered owner, assumes responsibility for the issued citation by either paying the fine or contesting the citation online, via mail or in person as outlined in this article;
      (2)   The registered vehicle owner files an affidavit with the parking bureau and attaches supporting documentation, establishing that the vehicle being operated at the time of the violation was sold prior to the date and time the citation was issued. Supporting documentation includes but is not limited to a bill of sale and the vehicle’s title signed by both the seller and the purchaser of the vehicle;
      (3)   The registered vehicle owner files an affidavit with the parking bureau and attaches supporting documentation, establishing that the vehicle being operated at the time of the violation was stolen prior to the date and time the citation was issued. Supporting documentation includes, but is not limited to, a copy of an official police report; or
      (4)   The registered vehicle owner is now deceased and no other vehicle operator has been personally served with the citation, nor claimed responsibility for the citation. Proof may be shown by submitting an official death certificate.
(Ord. 10107, § 2, passed 5-3-1988; Ord. 20858-08-2013, § 1, passed 8-13-2013; eff. 8-19-2013)