EDITOR’S NOTE: All references to “Solicitor” in this chapter have been changed to “Law Director” to reflect the Charter Amendment passed by the electors on May 8, 2001, and upon the adoption of Ordinance 2001-96, passed June 4, 2001. All references to “City Auditor” in this Code shall be read as “City Finance Director” to reflect the Charter Amendment passed by the electors on November 6, 2012, and upon the adoption of Ordinance 2012-106, passed September 4, 2012.
123.01 Composition of office.
123.02 Definitions; administrative expenses.
123.03 Investment of surplus funds.
123.04 Special revenue funds.
123.05 Star Ohio Program.
123.06 Investment Policy.
123.07 Blanket certificates and super blanket certificates.
Election and term - see CHTR. § 6.01
Qualifications - see CHTR. § 6.02
Powers and duties - see CHTR. § 6.03
Acting Finance Director - see CHTR. § 6.04
Financial reports - see CHTR. § 6.05
Vacancy - see CHTR. § 6.06
Uniform Depository Act - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 133
Treasury Investment account - see Ohio R.C. 731.56 et seq.
Duty as to receiving bids - see Ohio R.C. 733.18
Seal - see Ohio R.C. 733.20
Bond - see ADM. 165.01 et seq.
City Finance Director as Tax Administrator - see ADM. 131.01
(a) As used in this section:
(1) "Water works expenses" includes all actual expenses of the Bureaus of Water Pumping and Water Distribution for the preceding year.
(2) "Sanitation expenses" includes the total expenses of the Bureau of Sanitation of the City for the preceding year.
(3) "Sewage treatment expenses" includes the total expenses of the Bureau of Sewage Treatment of the City for the preceding year.
(4) "City expenses" includes the total expenses of the previous year of the General Fund, Water Works Funds, Auto Tax Fund, Gas Tax Fund, Off-Street Parking Fund, Sanitation Fund, Sewer Rental Fund, Fire and Police Equipment and Replacement Funds and the Special Recreation Fund.
(5) "Administrative expenses" includes the expenses of the previous year of the following accounts: Council, Clerk of Council, Mayor's Office, Auditor's Office, Law Director's Office, Legal Advertising, Civil Service Commission, Safety-Service Director's Office, Engineer's Office, and Public Buildings and Lands.
(Adopting Ordinance)
(b) The Finance Director is hereby authorized and directed to determine what percentage of the water works expenses, Sanitation Bureau expenses and sewage treatment expenses bear to the City expenses and apply such percentages to the administrative expenses of the City to determine the prorate share of such departments of the administrative expenses. Upon determining such amount the Finance Director is hereby authorized and directed to transfer to the General Fund from the funds of the water works, the funds of the Sanitation Bureau, and the funds of the Bureau of Sewage Treatment on a quarterly basis on March 15, June 15, September 15 and December 15, the amount so determined.
(c) The Finance Director is further authorized and directed to credit to the Bureaus of Water Pumping and Water Distribution any sum paid by them to apply on the salary of the Director of Safety-Service or the salary of an Assistant Engineer assigned to water works projects, and he is further authorized to credit to the Sewage Treatment Bureau any sum paid by it to apply on the salary of an Assistant Engineer assigned to sewage treatment projects.
(d) The Finance Director is hereby authorized and directed to reimburse the General Fund from the City Water Fund an amount to be determined annually by City Council for the cost of the annual testing of the City's water line and fire hydrants.
(Ord. 4805. Passed 12-28-56; Ord. 2009-83. Passed 3-16-09.)
(a) The Finance Director is hereby authorized and directed, when it is determined that there are moneys in the Treasury which are not required for a Municipal use by the City for a period of time in the future, to certify such fact in writing, signed by the Finance Director, to the Treasury Investment Board and to the Clerk of Council.
(b) Such certificate by the Finance Director shall specify the amount of such moneys and the period for which they will not be required for a Municipal use by the City and shall certify that such moneys are available for investment according to law.
(c) Upon receipt of such certificate by the Finance Director, the Treasury Investment Board may invest such moneys pursuant to the City Charter and Ohio R.C. 731.56 et seq. in the same manner as though Council had passed an ordinance to the same effect.
(d) The authority contained in this section is in addition to that contained in Ohio R.C. 731.56 et seq. and not in substitution therefor.
(Ord. 79-19. Passed 2-5-79.)