EDITOR'S NOTE: All references to "City Solicitor" in this chapter have been changed to "City Law Director" to reflect the Charter Amendment passed by the electors on May 8, 2001, and upon the adoption of Ordinance 2001-96, passed June 4, 2001.
161.01 Necessity of urban renewal.
161.02 Council policy on urban development and renewal.
161.03 Definitions.
161.04 Mayor to supervise urban renewal and redevelopment activities.
161.05 Preparation of studies and plans.
161.06 Contents of plans and supporting documentation.
161.07 Action by Planning Commission.
161.08 Public hearing and Council action.
161.09 Federal aid contracts.
161.10 Modification of plans.
161.11 Execution of urban renewal projects.
161.12 Finances.
161.13 Building permits.
161.14 Tax exemption.
161.15 Separability.
Downtown facade improvement program.
Appropriation of property - see Ohio Const. Art. I, § 19; Art. VXIII, §§ 10, 11
Council powers - see CHTR. § 3.08k
Planning Commission powers and duties - see CHTR. § 13.04
Procedure for appropriation - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 719
Alternate procedure for acquiring property - see Ohio R.C. 719.32, 719.33
Power to transfer or convey real property without bids - see Ohio R.C. 721.28
Community Planning and Renewal Department - see ADM. Ch. 159
Housing and Redevelopment Commission - see ADM. Ch. 185
Moving and Demolition of Buildings; Unsafe Buildings; Board of Demolition Appeals - see BLDG. Ch. 1391