The person holding the office of City Finance Director under the statutory form of government at the time this Charter takes effect shall serve as City Finance Director under this Charter for a term of two years and shall have the powers, duties and functions this Charter confers upon the City Finance Director. At the November 1967 municipal election and every four years thereafter the City Finance Director shall be elected from the City at large for a four year term. He shall assume office on the first Monday in December following his election, and he shall hold office until his successor is elected and qualified. The salary of the City Finance Director for the two year term of office beginning January 3, 1966, shall be $8,280.00 per year, and thereafter the salary of the City Finance Director shall be established by the Council, subject to the limitation provided in Sec. 3.11 of this Charter.
(Amended 11-3-81; 11-6-12)
(Editor’s Note: Because of the 2006 amendment to Charter Section 23.01 (Terms of Elected Officials), all references to the date an official takes office should be deemed to mean that the official shall take office on the first day of January following his/her election. See Section 23.01.)