Sec. 10A-140.   Quorum requirements for boards, committees, and commissions.
   (a)   The following boards, committees, and commissions (BCCs) are designated as "Category 1," for which a majority of the members currently appointed and serving shall constitute a quorum.
   ·   2017 Public Safety Tax Oversight Commission (PSTOC)
   ·   2018 Parks + Connections Bond Oversight Commission (PCBOC)
   ·   Citizen's Commission on Public Service and Compensation (CCPSC)
   ·   Commission on Climate, Energy, and Sustainability (CCES)
   ·   Commission on Disability Issues (CODI)
   ·   Commission on Equitable Housing and Development (CEHD)
   ·   Commission on Food Security, Heritage, and Economy (CFSHE)
   ·   Complete Streets Coordinating Council (CSCC)
   ·   Convention Center Commission, Tucson (TCCC)
   ·   Economic and Workforce Development Selection Committee (EWDSC)
   ·   Environmental Services Advisory Committee (ESAC)
   ·   Grant Road Corridor Planning Task Force (GRCPTF)
   ·   Greens Committee, Tucson (TGC)
   ·   Human Relations Commission (HRC)
   ·   Independent Audit and Performance Commission (IAPC)
   ·   Independent Oversight and Accountability Commission (IOAC)
   ·   Landscape Advisory Committee (LAC)
   ·   Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Issues, Tucson Commission on (LGBTQ+)
   ·   Magistrates Merit Selection Commission, City (CMMSC)
   ·   Park Tucson Commission (PTC)
   ·   Parks and Recreation Commission, Tucson (TPRC)
   ·   Pedestrian Advisory Committee (PAC)
   ·   Police Advisory Review Board, Community (CPARB)
   ·   Redistricting Advisory Committee (RAC)
   ·   Small, Minority, and Women-Owned Business Commission (SMWBC)
   ·   Transit Task Force (TTF)
   ·   Veterans' Affairs Committee (VAC)
   ·   Water Advisory Committee, Citizens' (CWAC)
   (b)   The following BCCs are designated "Category 2," for which a majority of the authorized membership shall constitute a quorum.
   (i)   BCCs created by state statute
   ·   Industrial Development Authority (IDA) (A.R.S. § 35-701 et seq.)
   ·   Fire Public Safety Personnel Retirement System Board, Tucson (TFPSPRSB) (A.R.S. § 38-847)
   ·   Police Public Safety Personnel Retirement System Board, Tucson (TPPSPRSB) (A.R.S. § 38-847)
   (ii)   Joint City/County BCCs
   ·   Art and Community Design Committee, Public (PACDC)
   ·   Bicycle Advisory Committee, Tucson-Pima County (TPCBAC)
   ·   Consolidated Code Committee, Tucson-Pima County Joint (TPCJCC)
   ·   Fire Code Review Committee (FCRC)
   ·   Historical Commission, Tucson-Pima County (TPCHC)
   ·   Outdoor Lighting Code Committee (OLCC)
   ·   Metropolitan Education Commission (MEC)
   ·   Women's Commission, Pima County/Tucson (PCTWC)
   (iii)   Historic Zone Advisory Boards (BCCs authorized by the UDC/State Historic Preservation Provisions)
   ·   Armory Park Historic Zone Advisory Board (APHZAB)
   ·   Barrio Historico Historic Zone Advisory Board (BHHZAB)
   ·   El Presidio Historic Zone Advisory Board (EPHZAB)
   ·   Fort Lowell Historic Zone Advisory Board (FLHZAB)
   ·   West University Historic Zone Advisory Board (WUHZAB)
   (iv)   Quasi-Judicial BCCs
   ·   Board of Adjustment (BAJ)
   ·   Civil Service Commission (CSC)
   ·   Design Review Board (DRB)
   ·   Planning Commission (PC)
   ·   Water Service Area Review Board (WSARB) (all voting members also city employees)
   (v)   City Finance-related BCCs / CFO or BSD Director Voting Member
   ·   PARS 115 Trust Board (115 TRUST)
   ·   Self-Insured Health Benefits Trust (SHBT)
   ·   Self-Insured Risk Trust Fund (TRUST)
   (vi)   City Employee Financial and Retirement-related BCCs
   ·   Deferred Compensation Plan Management Board, City of Tucson (CEDCMB)
   ·   Fire Public Safety Personnel Retirement System Board, Tucson (TFPSPRSB) (see also Category 2(a))
   ·   Police Public Safety Personnel Retirement System Board, Tucson (TPPSPRSB) (see also Category 2(a))
   ·   Tucson Supplemental Retirement System Board of Trustees (TSRS)
   (c)   The designation of any BCCs created subsequent to the enactment of this section as either "Category 1" or "Category 2" shall, to the extent practicable, occur on the basis of the following criteria:
   (i)   Category 1:
   (1)   are created pursuant to, and exclusively subject to, the mayor and council's authority granted by Tucson Charter Chapter XXIV, Section 1; and
   (2)   consistent with (1), have members appointed, and are administered, solely by the city, with no members or administrative support provided by Pima County or any other non-city governmental entity; and
   (3)   serve a purely advisory function, but provide important input to the mayor and council in their areas of responsibility, such that more flexible quorum requirements will assist their fulfilling that function; and
   (4)   have a voting membership consisting exclusively or largely of appointed citizens serving voluntarily, with city employees serving only as nonvoting, ex officio members who cannot be counted in achieving quorum.
   (ii)   Category 2:
   (1)   are created under authority of state law, rather than the Tucson Charter, or else are created jointly with Pima County or other non-city governmental entity; and/or
   (2)   are not purely advisory, but rather engage in some level of independent decision making that may be subject to formal administrative or judicial appeal, or have other potential legal or financial consequences for the city; and/or
   (3)   make decisions that directly impact the finances of the city, its employees, or both, creating potential legal or financial consequence for the city; and/or
   (4)   often have a voting membership consisting in whole or in part of managerial-level or other city employees who can be counted in achieving quorum.
   (d)   Formal designation of a BCC as "Category 1" or "Category 2" may occur either through amendment of this section to add that particular BCC to one of the lists set forth in subsections (a) or (b) of this section, or by specification of that BCC's quorum category in its creating ordinance or resolution.
(Ord. No. 12024, § 1, 8-8-23)