Sec. 10A-111.   Declaration of Purpose.
   The City of Tucson envisions "A Home for Everyone" in the Tucson region. Tucson, like other cities across the U.S., must contend with an inadequate number of affordable housing units and high rates of poverty. With the input of community values, we will identify solutions that will promote affordability and prevent displacement; as well as, promote social responsibility from both developers and landlords within the City of Tucson in order to assist those in vulnerable housing situations. In addition, with the ongoing revitalization of the downtown area, there has been a variety of housing related impacts that concern neighborhoods and long-time residents.
   Challenges such as homelessness, the preservation of neighborhood cultural assets, the number of "housing cost burdened" households paying more than 30% of their income for housing and historical racial inequities are linked to housing affordability, poverty, and involuntary displacement. Therefore, on June 9, 2020, the City of Tucson mayor and council provided direction to establish a commission to develop strategies to address these pressing issues.
(Ord. No. 11769, passed 7-7-20)