Sec. 10A-113.   Functions, purposes, powers, and duties.
   (a)   The mission of the CEHD shall be to provide advice to the mayor and council regarding how the city can best:
      (1)   Focus on increasing city investment in housing.
         (A)   potential bonding
         (C)   land banking
         (D)   CDBG, HOME, Section 8, public housing
         (E)   Cultural vitality
      (2)   Preserve affordability while increasing housing production/ stock
         (A)   Development
         (B)   Policy
         (C)   CDBG focus
         (D)   Land trust
         (E)   County owned tax lien properties
      (3)   Protect our barrios and communities from rapid change and displacement as well as structural disinvestment and substandard housing through the promotion of equitable housing models.
         (A)   Community education about homebuyer programs/ rental assistance/ anti- eviction programs
         (B)   Using city owned land to retain affordability
         (C)   City funded estate acquisitions
         (D)   Property tax home buying
         (E)   Revisiting existing policy and procedure for implicit or explicit bias
         (F)   Housing coop
         (G)   Potential public oversight committee
      (4)   Facilitate equitable conversations and solutions that will incorporate voices in a collaborative environment. These voices include the following and facilitated by the commission:
         (A)   Community members
         (B)   Nonprofits
         (C)   Former/currently homeless
         (D)   Developers
         (E)   Potential public oversight committee
         (F)   Higher education
      (5)   Provide measurable and well-defined goals to address housing shortfalls for those who have, currently and will experience housing insecurity. The goals will be informed by:
      (A)   City housing study
         (B)   Homeless count
         (C)   Census data
         (D)   HCD yearly reporting-eviction data
         (E)   Manufactured housing study with Habitat for Humanity
         (F)   Landlord/ Pima County Court eviction info
         (G)   Poverty and urban stress report
         (H)   Opportunity indexing
         (I)   Planning and development services equity audit
         (J)   School district information about students (moving/relocating)
   (b)   In performing its mission as described in subsection (a) above, the CEHD shall focus on carrying out the following functions:
      (1)   Review data (quantitative and qualitative), needs assessments, and additional information to explore strategies and develop recommendations for mayor and council consideration for the five (5) focus areas:
         (A)   Housing
         (B)   Neighborhoods
         (C)   Equity, diversity, and inclusivity
         (D)   Economic vitality
         (E)   Cultural vitality
   (2)   Identify innovative best practices or new ideas for developing low-cost and more affordable housing, preventing and mitigating involuntary displacement.
   (3)   Identify new capital resources and make them available for affordable housing and homelessness programs.
   (4)   Identify and work toward eliminating institutional and regulatory barriers to affordable housing and job security.
   (5)   Provide recommendations on the priorities for the use of HUD entitlement programs included in the HUD five (5) year consolidated plan and HUD annual action plan as well as the Tucson public housing authority administrative plan.
(Ord. No. 11769, passed 7-7-20)