(a) Appointment. The Committee shall consist of one (1) voting member appointed by the mayor and one (1) voting member appointed by each councilmember.
(b) Qualifications. All members of the Committee shall be qualified city electors, and none shall hold any elective public office, either by election or by appointment, at any time during their membership on the Committee.
(c) Precinct committeeperson allowed. For purposes of this article, the office of precinct committeeperson shall not be considered an elective public office.
(d) Terms. The provisions of Tucson Code Chapter 10A, Article XIII shall govern the Committee, except as otherwise provided in this article.
(f) Expiration of terms. The terms of the Committee and its members shall automatically expire on December 31st of the potential redistricting year in which the Committee is appointed; except that the mayor and council may by resolution extend the Committee's term in the event that they deem such extension beneficial to the city.
(g) Disqualification from election to office. Committee members shall be disqualified from election to the office of councilmember for a period of four (4) years from December 31st of the potential redistricting year in which the Committee is appointed.
(Ord. No. 11354, § 1, 5-3-16)
(a) City clerk to attend meetings. The city clerk or the city clerk's designee(s), shall attend all Committee meetings, and shall provide the Committee with relevant and necessary information.
(b) Duties and functions of the Committee. The duties and functions of the Committee shall be as follows:
(1) To review all relevant data, including but not limited to U.S. Census data, and recommend in writing to the mayor and council whether redistricting is necessary in the potential redistricting year in which the Committee is appointed. The review shall consider the following factors and objectives:
(A) Maintain a Maximum Population Deviation (MPD) across the city's six (6) wards that is no greater than 10%.
(B) Maintain established and recognizable ward boundaries with a minimum of disruption, except as may be necessary to achieve the other factors and objectives as listed in this section.
(C) Sustain the compactness and contiguity of the wards as they presently exist, except as may be necessary to achieve the other factors and objectives as listed in this section.
(D) Maintain ethnic balance so as to not dilute the minority vote (hereafter, "dilution"). As part of any redistricting recommendation, the Committee shall consider and examine the potential of dilution that may occur with any recommended redistricting, including but not limited to dilution that may occur or may have previously existed through "packing" and/or "fragmenting" of minority voting power. "Packing" means the practice of packing minority voting blocs into one or a small number of districts/wards to minimize their influence; and "fragmenting" means the practice of fragmenting the minority voters among several districts/wards where a bloc-voting majority can routinely outvote them. As part of this evaluation, the Committee shall give preference to redistricting options that will advance "rough proportionality" of minority voting power. For the purposes of this section, "rough proportionality" means the establishment of districts/wards where the number of wards in which minority groups constitute a majority percentage of the voting age population is roughly proportional to the minority voters' share of the overall voting age population. As an example, if the citywide minority share of the voting age population is 50%, then under the concept of "rough proportionality" the number of wards where minority groups constitute a majority percentage of the voting age population should approximate 50% of the total number of wards. The Committee shall also give preference to redistricting options that reduce dilution that may otherwise exist from prior "packing" or "fragmenting." The purpose of this evaluation by the Committee is to provide that the members of the city's minority groups do not have less opportunity than other members of the electorate to participate in the electoral process and to elect representatives of their choice.
(E) Where possible, realign precincts having populations represented by more than one ward.
(2) If it finds, pursuant to subsection (1) above, that redistricting is necessary, then to review all relevant data, hold at least one (1) public hearing, and such other public hearings as it deems necessary, gather information and opinions from the public, and thereafter make recommendations in writing to the mayor and council concerning the manner in which redistricting should occur in order to best comply with the Charter.
(3) To make such other recommendation(s) relating to redistricting as deemed necessary or desirable.
(Ord. No. 11354, § 1, 5-3-16; Ord. No. 11950, § 1, 8-9-22; Ord. No. 12119, § 6, 8-27-24)
The Committee's written recommendation(s) shall be submitted to the mayor and council no later than October 1st of the potential redistricting year in which the Committee is appointed.
(Ord. No. 11354, § 1, 5-3-16)
Editor’s note – For the 2020 Redistricting Advisory Committee, the provisions of this section are superseded by Ord. No. 11785, adopted Sept. 22, 2020. Pursuant to Ord. No. 11958, adopted Sept. 27, 2022, §§ 10A-42 and 10A-45 are superseded and shall not apply to the 2022 Committee, which shall submit its written recommendations to the Mayor and Council no later than Nov. 30, 2022.
* Editors Note: Article VI, §§ 10A-51--10A-64, relating to the Tucson Women's Commission, derived from Ord. No. 4416, §§ 1--9, adopted December 8, 1975; Ord. No. 4770, § 1, adopted March 13, 1978; Ord. No. 7021, § 1, adopted September 6, 1988; and Ord. No. 7266, § 1, adopted August 7, 1989; was repealed by Ord. No. 7845, § 1, adopted June 22, 1992.
Pursuant to Tucson Charter Chapter XXIV, § 1 and Tucson Code § 10A-139(a), the Tucson Transit Advisory Committee (TTAC) is created and established as an on-going mayor and council advisory committee.
(Ord. No. 12023, § 3, 8-8-23)
(a) Composition. The TTAC shall consist of eleven (11) voting members who shall serve without compensation:
(b) Appointment of members.
(1) The mayor and each council member shall appoint one (1) member for a total of seven (7) voting members.
(2) The city manager shall appoint four (4) members, seeking to provide one (1) member representing each of the following:
a. Disability community; and
b. University of Arizona parking and transportation department.
(3) One (1) member shall be designated as a non-voting staff representative from Pima Association of Governments/Regional Transportation Authority.
(c) Limitation on concurrent service. Consistent with Tucson Code § 10A-134(c), voting members of the TTAC may not serve on more than two (2) city bodies at a time.
(d) Applicability of Tucson Code Chapter 10A, Article XIII. Except as otherwise specifically provided in this article, all provisions of Tucson Code Chapter 10A, Article XIII apply to the TTAC. Notwithstanding any provision of Tucson Code Section 10A-134(b) to the contrary, any members appointed to the TTAC who were serving on the Transit Task Force (TTF) at the time of its dissolution pursuant to Ordinance 12023 shall nonetheless be eligible to serve up to eight (8) years on the TTAC.
(Ord. No. 12023, § 3, 8-8-23; Ord. No. 12051, § 1, 10-17-23)