The prima facie speed limit on Stage Coach Lane (County Road H22) between the south line of Mission Road (County Road H53B) and the north line of Reche Road (County Road H30) is hereby decreased to and established at 40 miles per hour.
(Added by Ord. No. 6222 (N.S.), effective 2-18-82)
The prima facie speed limit on Gum Tree Lane from the east line of Mission Road easterly to the west line of Live Oak Park Road is hereby decreased to and established at 35 miles per hour.
(Added by Ord. No. 9147 (N.S.), effective 6-2-00; amended by Ord. No. 10737 (N.S.), effective 8-13-21)
The prima facie speed limit on Reche Road from the east line of Stage Coach Lane easterly to the west line of Gird Road is hereby decreased to and established at 40 mile per hour.
(Added by Ord. No. 7093 (N.S.), effective 3-20-86; amended by Ord. No. 10641 (N.S.), effective 1-10-20)