The prima facie speed limit on Rainbow Valley Boulevard from the east line of Old Highway 395 (County Road B40-2) north-easterly to the south line of Rainbow Valley Boulevard West is hereby decreased to and established at 45 miles per hour.
(Added by Ord. No. 8764 (N.S.), effective 1-21-97)
The prima facie speed limit on Palm Canyon Drive (H44C) from the easterly line of Christmas Circle Drive (H44B) to the westerly line of Di Giorgio Road (H43B) is hereby decreased to and established at 40 miles per hour.
(Added by Ord. No. 3043 (N.S.), effective 3-2-67; amended by Ord. No. 9541 (N.S.), effective 4-11-03)
The prima facie speed limit on Palm Canyon Drive from the east line of Di Giorgio Road easterly to a point 1,500' east of the west line of Borrego Valley Road is hereby decreased to and established at 50 miles per hour.
(Added by Ord. No. 8372 (N.S.), effective 4-21-94; amended by Ord. No. 10683 (N.S.), effective 10-16-20)
The prima facie speed limit on Tavern Road from the north line of South Grade Road northerly to the south line of Arnold Way is hereby decreased to and established at 40 miles per hour.
(Added by Ord. No. 6714 (N.S.), effective 2-16-84; amended by Ord. No. 10336 (N.S.), effective 5-30-14; amended by Ord. No. 10746 (N.S.), effective 10-1-21)