Authority, Title, Purpose, Nature, Exemptions, Definitions
154.001 Authority and title
154.002 Purpose
154.003 Nature
154.004 Exemptions
154.005 Interpretation
154.006 Definitions
Variances, Appeals, Amendments, Special Use Permits
154.020 Variances
154.021 Appeals
154.022 Amendments
154.023 Special uses
General Provisions
154.035 Affects on structure and use
154.036 Continued existing uses
154.037 Non-conforming uses
154.038 Street frontage required; flag lots
154.039 Accessory buildings in all districts
154.040 Required yard cannot be reduced by used by another building
154.041 Permitted obstructions in required yards
154.042 Conversion of dwellings
154.043 Minimum ground floor area corner lots
154.044 Traffic visibility across corner lots
154.045 Essential services
154.046 Fences, walls, and hedges
154.047 Home occupations
154.048 Off-street parking and loading
154.049 Validity of existing applications for building permits
154.050 Uses authorized by the Zoning Board of Appeals
154.051 Principal building
154.052 Minimum lot size
154.053 Adult regulated uses
154.054 Organization
154.055 Creation of the Board of Zoning Appeals
154.056 Districts and map
154.057 Fees
Additional Requirements, Exceptions, Modifications
154.070 Height limits
154.071 Lot area requirements
154.072 Lot area per family
154.073 Front yard exceptions, modifications
154.074 Side yard exceptions, modifications
154.075 Rear yard exceptions, modifications
154.076 Supplemental yard requirements
AG-1 Agricultural Preservation District
154.090 General description
154.091 Permitted principal uses
154.092 Permitted accessory uses
154.093 When authorized by special use
154.094 Height regulations
154.095 Lot area and yard requirements
AG-2 General Agricultural District
154.110 General description
154.111 Permitted principal uses
154.112 Permitted accessory uses
154.113 When authorized by special use
154.114 Height regulations
154.115 Lot area and yard requirements
SE-1 Suburban Estates Low Density District
154.130 General description
154.131 Permitted principal uses
154.132 Permitted accessory uses
154.133 When authorized by special use
154.134 Height regulations
154.135 Lot area and yard requirements
SE-2 Suburban Estates Medium Density District
154.150 General description
154.151 Permitted principal uses
154.152 Permitted accessory uses
154.153 When authorized by special use
154.154 Height regulations
154.155 Lot area and yard requirements
R-1 Single-Family Dwelling District
154.170 General description
154.171 Permitted principal uses
154.172 Permitted accessory uses
154.173 When authorized by special use
154.174 Height regulations
154.175 Lot area and yard requirements
R-2 One-Family Residence
154.190 Permitted principal uses
154.191 Permitted accessory uses
154.192 When authorized by special use
154.193 Height regulations
154.194 Lot area and yard requirements
R-3 One- and Two-Family Residence District
154.205 Permitted principal uses
154.206 Permitted accessory uses
154.207 When authorized by special use
154.208 Height regulations
154.209 Lot area and yard requirements
R-4 One- to Six-Family Residence Districts
154.220 Permitted principal uses
154.221 Permitted accessory uses
154.222 When authorized by special use
154.223 Height regulations
154.224 Lot area and yard requirements
R-5 Multi-Family Dwelling District
154.235 Permitted principal uses
154.236 Permitted accessory uses
154.237 When authorized by special use
154.238 Height regulations
154.239 Lot area and yard requirements
R-6 Multi-Family Residence District
154.250 Permitted principal uses
154.251 Permitted accessory uses
154.252 When authorized by special use
154.253 Height regulations
154.254 Lot area and yard requirements
R-7 Mobile Home and Manufactured Housing District
154.265 Permitted principal uses
U-1 University and College District
154.280 General description
154.281 Permitted principal uses
154.282 Permitted accessory uses
154.283 When authorized by special use
154.284 Restrictions
154.285 Height regulations
154.286 Lot area and yard requirements
C-1 Conservation District
154.300 General description
154.301 Permitted principal uses
154.302 When authorized by special use
C-2 Conservation District
154.315 General description
154.316 Permitted principal uses
154.317 Permitted accessory uses
154.318 When authorized by special use
O-1 Office District
154.330 General description
154.331 Permitted principal uses
154.332 Permitted accessory uses
154.333 When authorized by special use
154.334 Height regulations
154.335 Lot area and yard requirements
B-1 Neighborhood Business District
154.350 General description
154.351 Permitted principal uses
154.352 Permitted accessory uses
154.353 When authorized by special use
154.354 Uses prohibited
154.355 Lot area and yard requirements
B-2 Central Business District
154.370 General description
154.371 Permitted principal uses
154.372 Permitted accessory uses
154.373 When authorized by special use
154.374 Lot area and yard requirements
B-3 Community Business District
154.385 General description
154.386 Permitted principal uses
154.387 Permitted accessory uses
154.388 When authorized by special use
154.389 Uses prohibited
154.390 Lot area and yard requirements
B-4 Highway and Intensive Business District
154.405 General description
154.406 Permitted principal uses
154.407 Permitted accessory uses
154.408 When authorized by special use
154.409 Prohibited uses
154.410 Lot area and yard requirements
ORT Office and Research Park and Technology District
154.425 General description
154.426 Permitted principal uses
154.427 Permitted accessory uses
154.428 Uses on review by special use
154.429 Prohibited uses
154.430 Lot area and yard requirements
I-1 Light Industrial District
154.445 General description
154.446 Permitted principal uses
154.447 Permitted accessory uses
154.448 Prohibited uses
154.449 When authorized by special use
154.450 Lot area and yard requirements
I-2 General Industrial District
154.465 General description
154.466 Permitted principal uses
154.467 Permitted accessory uses
154.468 When authorized by special use
154.469 Prohibited uses
154.470 Lot area and yard requirements
PUD Planned Unit Development District
154.485 Purpose
154.486 Procedure
154.487 Specific content
154.488 Standards
154.489 Conditions and guarantees
RCO Riverfront Corridor Overlay District
154.500 General description
154.501 Permitted principal uses
154.502 Other uses
154.503 Applicable regulations
154.504 Public pedestrian, bike easement
154.505 Development incentives
154.506 Site plan requirement
154.507 Traffic analysis
154.508 Performance standards for site development
154.509 Submission of site plan
154.510 Review process
154.511 Notice of public hearing
154.512 Findings of fact
154.513 Exemptions from site plan requirements
154.514 Amendments to approved site plans
154.515 Site plan review requirements outside of district
Additional Requirements, Exceptions, and Modifications
154.530 Additional requirements, exceptions, and modifications
Performance Standards
154.545 Compliance with provisions
154.546 Certification may be required
154.547 Smoke emissions
154.548 Particulate matter
154.549 Toxic matters
154.550 Vibration
154.551 Glare illumination
154.552 Sewage waste
154.553 Storage
154.554 Screening
154.555 Noise
Illuminations Provisions
154.570 Purpose
154.571 Lighting plan
154.572 Illumination performance standards
154.573 Compliance
154.574 Point of measurements
154.575 Applicability
Landscape and Bufferyard Requirements
154.590 Site plans
154.591 Site plan review
154.592 Appeal process
154.593 Exemption from site plan requirements
154.594 Parking lots
154.595 Bufferyard requirements
154.596 Minimum standards for plantings
154.597 Prohibited trees
154.598 Maintenance of landscaping and screening
154.599 Schedule of bufferyard requirements
Development in a Special Flood Hazard Area
154.610 Purpose
154.611 Definitions
154.612 Base flood elevation
154.613 Duties of the Director of the County Department of Zoning and Building Safety
154.614 Development permit
154.615 Preventing increased flood heights and resulting damages
154.616 Protecting buildings
154.617 Subdivision requirements
154.618 Public health and other standards
154.619 Carrying capacity, notification
154.620 Variances
154.621 Disclaimer of liability
154.635 Purpose and intent
154.636 Definitions
154.637 General regulations
154.638 Attached signs
154.639 Freestanding signs
154.640 Roof signs
154.641 Temporary signs
154.642 Permitted signs for non-conforming uses
154.643 Prohibited signs
154.644 Administration and appeal
Energy Systems
154.655 Authority
154.656 Purpose
154.657 Applicability
154.658 Wind energy systems
154.659 Solar energy systems
154.660 Battery energy storage systems (BESS)
154.661 Violations
154.662 Administration and enforcement
Tables and Diagrams
154.675 Sample yard setbacks
154.676 Site distance triangle
154.677 Building height
154.678 County rural living contract
154.999 Penalty
The provisions contained herein are necessary to promote the public health, safety, morals, comfort, and general welfare; to conserve the value of property throughout the county; to lessen or avoid the traffic congestions and hazards on public streets and highways; to reduce fire hazards and improve public safety; to prevent undue concentration of population; and to create a stable pattern of land uses upon which to plan for transportation, water supply, sewers, schools, parks, and other facilities. The aforementioned purposes shall be the guide to the enforcement of the provisions contained herein.
(Ord. passed 5-16-2023)