The following are special uses in the I-2 District when authorized:
   (A)   An establishment which has the potential to be dangerous or extremely obnoxious. Included are those which explosives are stored, petroleum is refined, natural and liquid gas and other petroleum derivatives are stored and/or distributed in bulk, radioactive material are compounded, pesticides and certain acids are manufactured, and hazardous waste is treated or stored as the establishment’s principle activity;
   (B)   Automobile salvage and wrecking operations, and industrial metal and waste salvage operations and junkyards not less than 100 feet from any non-I District and 1,000 feet from any state or federal highway enclosed on all sides with natural objects, plantings, fences, or other appropriate means, a minimum of eight feet high from grade for the entire border of the operation. In addition, operations within 1,000 feet of a federal or state highway system, screening by natural objects, plantings, fences, or other appropriate means so as not to be visible from the main traveled way of the system is required where feasible. No pile of scrap, salvage, or other material shall be higher than the fence or screening measured from grade to the fence or the screening’s lowest point, and measured from grade to the scrap or salvaged materials highest point;
   (C)   Asphalt plant;
   (D)   Aviation facilities, private and public;
   (E)   Battery energy storage system (BESS);
   (F)   Commercial solar energy facility;
   (G)   Commercial wind energy facility;
   (H)   Landfill, construction debris, rubble, or sanitary;
   (I)   Large wind energy system;
   (J)   Recycling centers and stations;
   (K)   Resource extraction;
   (L)   Scrap and salvage services;
   (M)   Shooting range;
   (N)   Transfer station for waste;
   (O)   Disposal or storage of toxic waste;
   (P)   Any other similar uses deemed to be consistent; and
   (Q)   Adult regulated uses subject to § 154.053.
(Ord. passed 5-16-2023)