(A) For the purpose of this chapter, the county is hereby divided into 23 classes of districts as follows:
AG-1 | Agricultural Preservation District |
AG-2 | General Agricultural District |
B-1 | Neighborhood Business District |
B-2 | Central Business District |
B-3 | Community Business District |
B-4 | Highway Intensive Business District |
C-1 | Conservation District |
C-2 | Conservation District |
I-1 | Light Industrial District |
I-2 | General Industrial District |
O-1 | Office District |
ORT | Office/Research and Technology District |
PUD | Planned Unit Development District |
R-1 | One-Family Residence District |
R-2 | One-Family Residence District |
R-3 | One- and Two-Family Residence District |
R-4 | One- to Six-Family Residence District |
R-5 | Multi-Family Dwelling District |
R-6 | Multi-Family Residence District |
R-7 | Mobile Home District |
SE-1 | Suburban Estates Low Density District |
SE-2 | Suburban Estates Medium Density District |
U-1 | University/College District |
(B) The boundaries of these districts are hereby established as shown on a map entitled “Zoning Map, County of Rock Island, Illinois,” hereinafter referred to as the “zoning map,” which accompanies and is hereby made a part of this chapter. The district boundary lines on said map are intended to follow lot lines, the centerlines of streets or alleys, the centerline of streets or alleys projected, railroad right-of-way lines, or the corporate limit lines, all as they existed at the time of enactment of this chapter; but when a district boundary line does not clearly coincide with lot lines, it shall be determined by scaling.
(C) Where a district boundary lines divides a lot which was in single ownership and of record at the time of enactment of this chapter, the use authorized on and the other district requirements applying to the less restricted portion of such lot is more than 50 feet beyond said dividing district boundary line, such less restricted use shall be limited to the portion of the lot lying within 50 feet of said boundary line.
(D) Questions concerning the exact location of district boundary lines shall be determined by the Zoning Board of Appeals Authority according to the rules and regulations which it may adopt.
(Ord. passed 5-16-2023)