General Provisions
152.001 Authority
152.002 Purpose
152.003 Abbreviations
152.004 Definitions
152.005 Fees
Prohibited Actions
152.020 Surface water
152.021 Easements
152.022 Obstruction of watercourse
152.023 Discharge
152.024 Exempted discharges
152.025 Pollutant discharge
152.026 Line connect
152.027 Interference
Requirements for Certain Discharges
152.040 Private drainage system maintenance
152.041 Minimization of irrigation runoff
152.042 Cleaning of paved surfaces required
152.043 Mobile commercial cosmetic cleaning operations
152.044 Maintenance of equipment
152.045 Materials storage
152.046 Pet waste
152.047 Pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers
152.048 Prohibition of pesticides and fungicides banned from manufacture
152.049 Open drainage channel maintenance
152.050 Release reporting and cleanup
152.051 Authorization to adopt and impose best management practices
Inspections and Plan Modifications
152.065 Inspections
152.066 Special precautions
152.067 Amendment of plans
152.080 Applicant
152.081 Jurisdiction
Maintenance of Drainage Facilities
152.095 Responsibility
152.110 Right of entry and sampling
152.111 Notice of violation
152.112 Action without prior notice
152.113 Enforcement actions
152.114 Other legal action
152.125 Subdivision improvements
152.126 Non-subdivision improvements requiring a building permit
152.127 Improvements that previously did not required a permit
Variances and Appeals
152.140 General procedures
152.141 Variances
152.142 Appeals
Construction Sites; Runoff Control
152.155 Responsible entity
152.156 Waste disposal
152.157 Ready mixed concrete
152.158 Erosion and sediment control
152.159 Continued compliance
152.160 Use of BMPs
152.161 Preserving regulatory floodplains; floodprone and wetland areas
152.162 Minimizing impervious surfaces on the property
152.163 Stormwater wetlands, grassed swales, vegetated filter strips
152.164 Infiltrating runoff on site
152.165 Providing stormwater retention structures
152.166 Providing wet or wetland detention structures
152.167 Providing dry detention structures
152.168 Constructing storm sewers
152.169 Water quality and multiple uses
Grading and Drainage Permit Requirements
152.180 Permit exceptions
152.181 Class 1 grading and drainage permit
152.182 Class 2 grading and drainage permit
152.183 Class 3 grading and drainage permit
152.184 Grading and drainage permit application forms
152.185 Submittal, review, approval
152.186 Other agency permits
152.187 Permit limitations
152.188 Revocation of permits
152.189 Retention of plans
Hydrologic Design Criteria for Class 3 Projects
152.200 Referenced standards
152.201 Release rates
152.202 Drainage system design and evaluation
152.203 Design methodologies
152.204 Positive drainage
152.205 Culvert, road, driveway crossings
152.206 Vegetated filter strips and swales
152.207 Maintenance considerations
152.208 Provisions for agricultural drainage
152.209 Channel modifications
Detention System Design Criteria
152.220 Referenced standards
152.221 Detention storage requirements
152.222 Waiver of requirements
152.223 Ownership
152.224 Maintenance and repair responsibilities
152.225 General basin design requirements
152.226 Wet detention basin design
152.227 Dry detention basin design
152.228 Detention on prime farmland
152.229 Detention in floodplains
152.230 Drainage into wetlands, rivers, streams, lakes, ponds, and areas
152.231 Street detention
152.232 Parking lot detention
152.233 Rooftop detention
152.234 Fee in lieu of detention
152.235 Cooperative detention
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3)
152.250 General
152.251 Requirements for utility construction
152.252 Required documentation
152.253 Applicability and guidelines
152.254 Referenced standards
152.255 General erosion and sediment control design features
152.256 Materials and construction notes
152.257 Testing and inspection
152.258 Soil grading and drainage plan requirements
152.259 Site development requirements
152.270 Letter of credit
152.271 Performance bond
152.272 Covenant for stormwater detention basin
152.999 Penalty